RTT Servant
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Individuals who work directly for a high status individual or household.
Roll Int 6+
- -2 DM if you are aged 34 or more.
Choose one of the following:
- Bodyguard: [Survival Dex 5+, Advancement Int 7+] You protected your employer's person and property.
- Companion: [Survival Int 6+, Advancement Soc 6+] You were a hanger-on, personal trainer, concubine, or other close associate.
- Secretary: [Survival Edu 4+, Advancement Int 8+] You managed your employer's assets and business affairs.
Personal Development
- 1) +1 Str
- 2) +1 Dex
- 3) +1 End
- 4) +1 Int
- 5) +1 Edu
- 6) +1 Soc
Service Skills
- 1) Carouse
- 2) Deception
- 3) Diplomat
- 4) Medic
- 5) Stealth
- 6) Steward
Advanced Training (Minimum Education 8)
- 1) Investigate
- 2) Language (any)
- 3) Mechanic
- 4) Medic
- 5) Science (any)
- 6) Streetwise
Specialist: Bodyguard
- 1) Comms
- 2) Drive (wheeled)
- 3) Flyer (any)
- 4) Gun Combat (energy pistol or slug pistol)
- 5) Melee (any)
- 6) Recon
Specialist: Companion
- 1) Athletics (any)
- 2) Art (any)
- 3) Carouse
- 4) Gambling
- 5) Melee (any)
- 6) Persuade
Specialist: Secretary
- 1) Admin
- 2) Advocate
- 3) Broker
- 4) Comms
- 5) Computers
- 6) Diplomat
- 0) -
- 1) - (Recon 1)
- 2) - (Gun Combat 1 or Melee 1)
- 3) -
- 4) -
- 5) Chief of Security (Admin 1)
- 6) -
- 0) Friend
- 1) -
- 2) Close Personal Friend (Carouse 1)
- 3) -
- 4) Intimate (Persuade 1)
- 5) -
- 6) Like One of the Family (+1 Soc)
- 0) -
- 1) - (Admin 1)
- 2) -
- 3) -
- 4) - (Advocate 1)
- 5) -
- 6) Chief of Staff (+1 Soc)
- 1) Injured. Roll on the Injury table (page 37).
- 2) Your employer takes a dislike to you, and fires you.
- 3) Your employer falls on hard times, and is reluctantly forced to let you go. You lose all Benefits from this career, but gain your employer as a Contact.
- 4) Assassination attempt! Roll Melee 8+ or Recon 8+ to escape unhurt. If you fail, roll on the Injury table.
- 5) You are involved in a scandal. Reduce your Social Standing by 1.
- 6) You've learned the family secrets, and now they want you out of the picture. Gain an Enemy and Deception 1.
- 2) Disaster! Roll on the Mishap table, but you are not ejected from the career.
- 3) Your employer proposes to you! If you accept, you gain your spouse as an Ally, but must immediately leave this career, losing all Benefits from it; you may not enter the Drifter career, but you may attempt to enter the Nobility career with a +2 DM to the Qualification roll. If you refuse the proposal, roll Carouse 8+ or Persuade 8+ to let them down easy. If you fail, you gain them as a Rival.
- 4) Your employer enjoys the city night life. Gain one level in Carousing, Gambling, or Streetwise, but take a -1 DM to any one Benefit roll.
- 5) Your employer owns a space yacht. Gain one of Astrogation 1, Engineering (any) 1, Pilot (ship's boat) 1, or Zero-Gravity 1.
- 6) You travel frequently on your employer's behalf. Gain a Contact outside your usual circles, or Jack of All Trades 1.
- 7) Life Event. Roll on the Life Events table (page 34).
- 8) Your employer's life gets interesting. Roll on the Life Events table (page 34), and apply the result to them.
- 9) You receive a gift from your employer. Gain a +1 DM to any one Benefit roll.
- 10) Your employer enjoys the outdoors life. Gain one of Animals (riding) 1, Gun Combat (any) 1, Seafarer (any) 1, or Survival 1.
- 11) You have an opportunity to blackmail or steal from your employer. If you refuse, you get a +2 DM on your next Advancement roll. If you go for it, roll Deception 8+ or Stealth 8+. If you succeed, you gain an additional Benefit roll and one level in any skill; if you fail, you lose this term's Benefit roll and gain an Enemy.
- 12) You make yourself indispensable, and the kids love you. You are automatically promoted.
- 1) Cr1,000
- 2) Cr5,000
- 3) Cr5,000
- 4) Cr10,000
- 5) Cr20,000
- 6) Cr50,000
- 7) Cr100,000
- 1) +1 Edu
- 2) Air/Raft
- 3) +1 Int
- 4) Contact
- 5) Weapon
- 6) Ally
- 7) Yacht