Ra's Al Ghul PL11

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RA'S AL GHUL PL: 11, Immortal Mastermind, , Male, Size: Medium; INIT: +3, DEF 20/16; SPEED 30; MELEE +9(Weapon (melee) +6 S/L, ), RANGED +9(Weapon (ranged) +3 S/L, ), MENTAL +11, SV: DMG +9, FORT +9, REF +8, WILL +10; STR 16, DEX 16, CON 18, INT 20, WIS 20, CHA 20.

SKILLS: Bluff +11, Climb +6, Diplomacy +14, Gather Info +19, Innuendo* +14, Intimidate +14, History +14, The Occult +14, Geography +14, Listen +11, Medicine* +14, Biology +14, Electronics +14, Search +11, Sense Motive +17, Spot +11.

FEATS: Accurate Attack ( (- dmg bonus), (+ attack roll), 5 max), Assessment (1/2 action, assess 3 abilities of target), Attractive ( +3 bluff/diplomacy), Blind Fight (re-roll a miss if target is concealed), Connected (knows people who can help), Dodge (+1 def, or +2 def to one opponent), Expertise ((- attack), (+ def), 5 max), Headquarters (base of operations), Immunity (Super) (Aging), Inspire (can inspire allies by spending hero pt), Leadership (+1 to all rolls directing others), Greater Fortitude (+2 fort save), Iron Will (+2 will saves), Lightning Reflexes (+2 ref saves), Toughness (+2 to damage saves), Minions (mooks to do your bidding), Sidekick (npc follower), Immortal Experience.

POWERS: IMMORTAL PHYSIQUE, Amazing Save (Damage) [+3], Extra: Reflex [+3], Extra: Fortitude [+3], Extra: Willpower [+3], WEAPON [+3].

WEAK: Quirk (Dependance on the Lazerus Pit).

COST: abilities 50, combat 30, skills 44, feats 36, powers 15, weakness -10, total 165.