Rael Silverthorn
Rael Silverthorn, the Gray Lady, Rael the Crone, The Witch, The Hag
- Level: 5
- Current XP: 22,501
- XP to next Level: 40,001
- HP: 13
- Age: Unknown, and she never tells
- AC: 10
- THAC0: 20
- Saving Throws:
- Paralyze/Poison/Death Magic: 14
- Petrification/Polymorph: 13
- Rod/Staff/Wand: 11
- Breath Weapon: 15
- Spell: 12
- Strength: 5 (-2 To Hit, -1 Damage Adjustment, Open Doors 1, Bend Bars Lift Gates 0%, Weight Allowance 10 pounds)
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 11 (System Shock 75%, Resurrection 80%)
- Intelligence: 17 (Additional Languages 6, Chance to Learn Spell 75%, Minimum Spells Per Level 8, Maximum Spells Per Level 14)
- Wisdom: 13
- Charisma: 17 (Maximum Henchmen 10, Loyalty Base +30%, Reaction Adjustment +30%)
Spells and Magic[edit]
Spells Known[edit]
- First Level
- Armor
- Hold Portal
- Identify
- Light
- Push
- Unseen Servant
- Magic Missile (unique)
- Second Level
- Irritation
- Mirror Image
- Stinking Cloud
- Levitate (unique)
- Third Level
- Clairvoyance
- Invisibility 10' Radius
- Dispel Magic (unique)
Spells Memorized[edit]
- First
- Armor
- Identify
- Unseen Servant
- Light
- Second
- Stinking Cloud
- Third
- Invisibility 10' Radius
Magic Items[edit]
- Potion of Etherealness
- Philtre of Love
- Spade of Colossal Excavation
- Cloak of Elvenkind
Possessions and Miscellaneous[edit]
Estate: Rael owns an elegant, gray stone townhome on the western banks of the Dirtwater, not far from the center of town. A dock overlooks the river, and a sturdy watercraft that can carry as many as a dozen people can usually be seen moored there. On the south side of the property is a walled garden wherein food for the kitchen and magical herbs for the sorceress' potions are grown. A small stone building near the southwestern corner of the garden serves as one of Rael's workshops. Underneath the townhouse is a large chamber that contains a secured underwater exit from the property. There is also a tunnel leading to the sorceress' shop in town.
Treasury: (list wealth and valuables stored there; this includes treasure obtained in the game, coinage, magical items, etc.)
Equipment & Money Carried: (List here those things your character has in their immediate possession.)
Weapons: Darts
Specialties: (I will occasionally grant your character a specialty, some thing they are recognizably better at than the norm defined by their peers.)
Background: Accompanied by Gervaise, Piers, and assorted other household personnel, Rael relocated to Strangetree five years ago. Not much is known of her life before then, but her slight accent suggests she's from the northlands. She established an upscale dress shop not long after arriving in town. Although she socializes frequently with the local powers that be, very little is actually known about her. She is always seen in the company of at least Gervaise or Piers.
Description: Rael appears to be at least 65 but could be closer to 90. She has long, snow white hair that she keeps in a loose chignon. Her clothing is elegant and understated; she tends to favor gray in a dark shade that matches her eyes. Whatever age she is, she's quite energetic, and she can be seen taking long walks through the countryside to gather herbs, with one of her henchmen at her side.
- Level: 4
- Class: Fighter
- Current XP: 9,000
- XP to next Level: 18,001
- HP: 26
- Age: 35
- AC: 7
- THAC0: 18
- Saving Throws:
- Paralyze/Poison/Death Magic: 13
- Petrification/Polymorph: 14
- Rod/Staff/Wand: 15
- Breath Weapon: 16
- Spell: 16
- Strength: 16 (+1 Damage Adjustment, Open Doors 1-3, Bend Bars Lift Gates 10%, Weight Allowance 70 pounds)
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 12 (System Shock 80%, Resurrection 85%)
- Intelligence: 11 (Additional Languages 2)
- Wisdom: 9
- Charisma: 8 (Maximum Henchmen 3, Loyalty Base -05%)
- Leather Armor & Shield
- Long Sword
- 4 Daggers (belt, each boot, right sleeve)
- Longbow
- Level: 4
- Class: Thief
- Current XP: 9,000
- XP to next Level: 10,001
- HP: 15
- Age: 26
- AC: 8
- THAC0: 20
- Saving Throws:
- Paralyze/Poison/Death Magic: 13
- Petrification/Polymorph: 12
- Rod/Staff/Wand: 14
- Breath Weapon: 16
- Spell: 15
- Strength: 10 (Open Doors 1-2, Bend Bars Lift Gates 2%, Weight Allowance 35 pounds)
- Dexterity: 14
- Constitution: 9 (System Shock 65%, Resurrection 70%)
- Intelligence: 8 (Additional Languages 1)
- Wisdom: 9
- Charisma: 10 (Maximum Henchmen 4)
- Thief Abilities:
- Pick Pockets: 45%
- Open Locks: 37%
- Find/Remove Traps: 35%
- Move Silently: 33%
- Hide In Shadows: 25%
- Hear Noise: 15%
- Climb Walls: 88%
- Read Languages: 20%
- Leather Armor
- 5 Daggers (belt, each boot, both sleeves)
- 20 Darts