Rails Through Hell: Kazron
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Kazron "Firehammer" Ironbeard[edit]
- Race: Hill Dwarf
- Class: Cleric of Helm, God of Protection
- Level: 5
- Size: Medium
- Alignment: Neutral Good
Hit Points: 48 (5D8+20 HD)
Armor Class: 18 (16 chain mail + 2 shield)
Proficiency Bonus: +3
- STR: 14 (+2)
- DEX: 10
- CON: 16 (+3)
- INT: 10
- WIS: 17 (+3)
- CHA: 10
- Dwarf: Speed not impacted by encumbrance
- Dwarf: Darkvision 60 feet
- Dwarf: Advantages on saves vs poison and resistance vs poison damage
- Dwarf: Proficient with battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer
- Dwarf: Proficient with Brewer's Supplies
- Dwarf: Proficient in History when related to stonework, gets double proficiency bonus
- Hill Dwarf: +1 max hp per level
- Cleric: Spellcasting
- Cleric: Life Domain
- Cleric: Channel Divinity (1/rest) - Turn/Destroy Undead, Preserve Life
- Life Domain: When casting healing spells of 1st level or above, 2+spell level bonus hp healed
- Languages: Common, Dwarf
- Weapons: Simple Weapons, Battleaxe, Handaxe, Light Hammer, Warhammer
- Armor: Light, Medium, Heavy, Shields
- Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma, Constitution
- Skills: Medicine, Insight
- Bonus: Resilient (Constitution)
- 1st: Healer
- Light Hammer
- Chain Mail + Shield
- Light Crossbow w/20 bolts
- Priests' Pack
- Holy Symbol
- 2x Healer's Kit (10 charges each)
- Alchemist supplies
- Brewer supplies
- 1x Alchemist Fire flask
- Cantrips: Sacred Flame, Light, Spare the Dying, Thaumaturgy
- Spells Prepared Per Day: 8
- 1st Spell Slots: 4 (Cure Wounds, Shield of Faith, Guiding Bolt, and Bless)
- 2nd Spell Slots: 3 (Spiritual Weapon, Lesser Restoration)
- 3rd Spell Slots: 2 (Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic)
- Life Domain Spells:
- 1st: Cure Wounds, Bless
- 3rd: Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
Served at a dwarven monastery for most of his life. Developed a fondness for brewing ale and to a lesser extent alchemy. Eventually he was the the head brewer in the monastery for several years. Recently an undead horde invaded and overwhelmed the meager defenses of the monastery. He was one of the few survivors.