Ramon the Shield-Grog

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Now shield-grog working for the covenant, Ramon was a veteran mercenary who served most of his tours on the Iberian Peninsula – fighting in wars for the various Christian kings as the vied for power. His journey into the service of the Order of Hermes started with a contract from House Flambeau; a contract that would eventually see him and his fellows employed at Castra Solis as an experienced (and dangerous) cohort of defenders. Castra Solis’ sponsorship of the covenant resulted in his transfer to where he is now.

Personality Score
Lazy +2
Numb +1
Resigned +3

Vital Statistics[edit]

  • Size: 0
  • Age: 30
  • Ageing Score: 0
Characteristics Score
Int -2
Per +1
Pre +0
Com -2
Str +2
Sta +2
Dex +2
Qik +2
  • Virtues: Almogavar (free, social status), Puissant – single weapon (minor), Tough (minor)
  • Flaws: Dutybound (minor, personality), Poor Student (minor, general)


Name Score XP
Area Lore (ambush sites) 2 15
Atheltics (hiking) 3 30
Awareness (ambushes) 3 30
Bargain (wages) 1 5
Brawl (getting away) 4 50
Carouse (singing) 2 15
Folk Ken (warriors) 2 15
Guile (excuses) 2 15
Hunt (birds) 2 15
Language: Castilian (cursing) 5 75
Language: Occitan (basic conversaion) 3 30
Language: Latin (impressing on nobles) 2 15
Leadership (in combat) 2 15
Profession: soldier (avoiding duties) 2 15
Ride (fleeing) 1 5
Single Weapon (azcona) 5(8) 75
Stealth (camouflage) 2 15
Survival (semi-arid) 2 15
Thrown Weapon (azcona) 5 75