Character in Kaiu Keiichi's MRQ2 Storm Riders game: Back to wiki / IC / OOC
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- Female 20yrs
- Tribe: Pol Joni. Clan: ....
- Background: Barbarian. Profession: Warrior
- Magic: Babeester Gor initiate
Characteristics and Attributes[edit]
STR 13 CON 12 SIZ 9 INT 10 POW 12 DEX 13 CHA 11
- Combat Actions 2
- Damage Modifier +1d2
- Improvement Modifier 0
- Movement 8
- Dedicated POW 3
- Magic Points 12
- Strike Rank (12-#AP)= 12
- Hero Points: 2
Common (Base %) %
- Athletics (Str+Dex ) 51%
- Brawn (Str+Siz ) 37% Can lift 19.5 Siz without roll. 39 siz with roll.65 siz critical.
- Culture(Poljoni)(Intx2 ) 50%
- Dance (Dex+Cha ) 24%
- Drive (Dex+Pow ) 25%
- Evade (Dex2 ) 50%
- Evaluate (Int+Cha ) 21%
- First Aid (Int+Dex ) 30%
- Influence (Chax2 ) 22%
- Insight (Int+Pow ) 22%
- Lore (Prax) (Intx2 ) 50%
- Perception (Int+Pow ) 32%
- Persistence (Pow x2 ) 40%
- Resilience (Con x2 ) 69%
- Ride (Dex+Pow ) 35%
- Sing (Cha+Pow ) 23%
- Sleight (Dex+Cha ) 24%
- Stealth (Dex+Int ) 33%
- Swim (Str+Con ) 25%
- Unarmed (Str+Dex ) 40%
Advanced Skills (Magical below)
- Speak Pol joni (Int+Cha ) +50 71%
- Survival* (Pow+Con ) 50%
- Track 50%
- lore/tactics 30%
250 points to spend (p.20)
Combat Styles & Weapons[edit]
Combat Styles (Base %) %
- Lance and shield (Str+Dex ) %
- 2H Axe (Str+Dex ) 75%
- Axe and Shield (Str+Dex ) 75%
- Unarmed (Str+Dex ) 40%
Weapon/Shield | Size | Reach | Damage | AP | HP | Combat % | Manoeuvres | Range | Load | ENC |
1H Battle Axe | M | M | 1D6+1 | 4 | 8 | ... | Bleed/sunder | ... | ... | 1 |
2H Battle Axe | H | L | 1D12+2 | 4 | 10 | ... | Bleed/sunder | ... | ... | 2 |
Target Shield | L | S | 1D6 | 4 | 12 | ... | Impale | ... | ... | 2 |
weapon name | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
weapon name | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
- Total weapon ENC: 5
Hit Points and Armour[edit]
Location | Location Name | Armour types | A.P. | Max H.P. | Damage |
19-20 | Head | soft Leather | 1 | 5 | -0 |
16-18 | Left Arm | ... | 0 | 4 | -0 |
13-15 | Right Arm | ... | 0 | 4 | -0 |
10-12 | Chest | soft Leather | 1 | 7 | -0 |
07-09 | Abdomen | soft Leather | 1 | 6 | -0 |
04-06 | Left Leg | ... | 0 | 5 | -0 |
01-03 | Right Leg | ... | 0 | 5 | -0 |
- Total Armour ENC = (Total AP)/5 = #/5 = .6
- Armour Penalty =
- Common Magic (Pow+Cha ) +30glor 83%
- Spells:
- Fanaticism 2
- Endurance 2
- Frostbite 2
- @@@
6 points of common magic to buy
- Initiate of Babeester Gor
- Dedicated Pow: 3.
- Pact (Babeester Gor) (Cha+DedPow ?) 14%
- Lore (cult) (Intx2 ) 20%
- Cult Skills:Athletics, Lore (Babeester Gor Theology),Perception, Tracking, Unarmed, 1H/2H Axe, Shield
- Cult Spells: Bladesharp, Demoralise, Strength, Vigour.
- Specific duties:
- Gifts/Compulsions:
- Divine Spells: All
- Special Divine spells:Axe Trance, Berserk, Command(Gnome), Great Parry, Shield, Slash
- Divine Spells. Magnitude: (1/10 of Pact) 2
- @@@
- @@@
- @@@
Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
- Move Rate:
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 11-13 |
Forequarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | damage | sr | atk% |
Kick | damage | sr | atk% |
Rear and plunge | damage | sr | atk% |
- Battle Axe
- Great Axe
- Soft leather Hauberk
- Soft leather Helm
- Target Shield
- Backpack
- Waterskin
- Bedroll
- Flint and Tinder
- Clothes they wear and a set of spares.
- Some personal mementoes, good-luck charms, talismans or similar.
- 1 week’s worth of food, either fresh or preserved.
- One weapon relevant to their weapon skills and culture.
Money 480L Buy:
Contacts, Friends, Enemies & Rivals[edit]
Family & Background[edit]
Randane is 20 years old. Reasonably attractive, she is tall with long black hair and sparkling brown eyes. Until the middle of last year she was ready to become another Ernaladan wife in the tribe but a raider from the nearby Hillsedge clan changed all of that. Whether he was drunk or under the influence of magic or just plain bad is unclear. What is known is that he attacked, raped and murdered Randane's beloved twin sister Olenda. The clan was outraged and to prevent a blood feud and escalation of it the Hillsedge quickly made an offer of a weregeld which was accepted by most of the clan. Randane did not accept it and swore an oath at the earth temple to have her vengeance. She initiated into Babeester Gor, got drunk on blood beer and set off to Hillsedge lands. She was accompanied by the brothers she had known since childhood (Iskallor and Mandacaru) who helped to guide her to her prey. She attacked him as he was tending his horses, it was a frenzy and left him dead with many horrific wounds. Then she gelded him and threaded his testicles onto a leather cord which she now wears proudly round her neck. His father and brothers declared this and illegal act and called a blood feud and Randane and her accomplishes (Although not to close to their own earth temple). Randane, once a sweet and demure girl, is now an angry resentful woman who hates most men and finds little reason to trust them. Only the brothers and a few others outside of her immediate bloodline are able to even talk to her. Anyone threatening a woman in any way is asking for trouble if she hears or sees it.
I'll rule that as a Pol Joni, you can have Lance and Shield in place of spear and shield. I'll assume that on the ground you can choke up on the shaft and use the weapons with the same stats as a regular 1H Spear and shield. Pol Joni also use slightly curved cavalry swords (but not curved enough to be confused with scimitars!) Javelins are popular with the Pol Joni as well, as are most skirmisher/scout weapons.