Random Facts About Cassidy Starbreeze

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  • 1. Cassidy has never prayed willingly once in her life. She just may end up doing it soon, though.
  • 2. A lot of the dietary habits that Cassidy has come from her childhood, mainly shunning things like canned pasta and soups, and most traditional comfort foods. They have bad memories attached to them, and the Zenith tries to forget. If she is offered it, she chokes it down dutifully, but it's apparent that it's an effort.
  • 3. Granted, she has no problem with international fare, and will eat just about anything, and enjoys it. One of her favorite cuisines is Japanese. (Which makes having a Japanese roommate a godsend)
  • 4. The mention of fundamentalists of any faith makes Cassidy wince, and if they are about, she can't resist making them look like an idiot in a debate.
  • 5. She has been reading up on the Torah, Koran, and the Bible for that very reason.
  • 6. Truth be told, Cassidy doesn't truly mind the religions themselves. They do have merit. Just the people like Todd Brown, or her parents ruin it for her, and she has a cold disdain for such people.
  • 7. She began to take martial arts for an after-school activity in high school, her parents thought it was detention (which didn't help her cause, but it was better than them finding out that she was learning how to fight).
  • 8. She has the informal record in her apartment building for staying the longest underwater. Someone had thought she had died while sitting there.
  • 9. Favorite treat? Ice cream.
  • 10. Cassidy loves opera, and has been saving money to see if she could get lessons, or an audition maybe.