Rank (beyond the veil)

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All Characters in Beyond the Veil possess a Rank that ranges between 0 and 10. A character moves up or down through their ranks through the process of Transubstantiation. The higher a Denizen's Rank the more advantages they have, including greater ability to spend various resources to improve their situation, higher total and individual Stats, and number of Attunements.


In addition to limiting the maximum level of Domain a character can purchase and use, Rank confers many other benefits and burdens.

Rank Cost to EscapeTemplate:Ref label Resources per turnTemplate:Ref label Number of DomainsTemplate:Ref label Total StatsTemplate:Ref label Per StatTemplate:Ref label Notes
0 0 0 0 1 1 Cannot spend Substance, Souls, or Belief on drawsTemplate:Ref label
1 1 1 1 3 2 Cannot spend Souls or Belief on draws.Template:Ref label First Attunement.
2 1 1 2 6 3 Cannot spend Souls on draws.Template:Ref label
3 2 1 2 10 5
4 3 2 3 15 8
5 5 2 3 21 13 May choose a second Attunement
6 8 3 3 28 21
7 12 5 4 36 34
8 17 8 4 55 45 May choose a third Attunement
9 23 12 4 89 55
10 30 17 4 144 66 May choose a fourth Attunement

Template:Note labelThis is the cost for a Denizen of the given rank to exit their Personal Demesne.

Template:Note labelA character may spend certain Resources to use Powers or improve their draws during conflict. This is the maximum amount a character of the given Rank may spend in one conflict turn.

Template:Note label A character may purchase ranks in each of the four Domains, however this is the maximum number of domains they may access at a given Rank.

Template:Note label A character's Stats are dictated by their Rank. This is the max number which all of their stats added together may not exceed.

Template:Note label A character's Stats are dictated by their Rank. This is the max number which no single one of their stats may exceed.


Depending on the types of Substances to which a character is Attuned they recieve various terms to identify their level of power. All Denizens are referred to as Shades if they are Rank 0, as such individuals have no Attunements.

RankTemplate:Ref label CelestineTemplate:Ref label MalfaesianTemplate:Ref label ElementalTemplate:Ref labelTemplate:Ref label FireTemplate:Ref label AirTemplate:Ref label WaterTemplate:Ref label EarthTemplate:Ref label
1 Voice Fallen - Salamander Sylph Undine Gnome
2 Watcher Forsaken -
3 Cherubim Imp -
4 Guardian Gremlin -
5 Malikim Demon
6 Archon Devil
7 Angel Fiend
8 Seraphim Archdemon
9 Archangel Archdevil
10 Dominion Archfiend

Template:Note label Oracles recieve no special rank-based names.

Template:Note label Denizens Attuned to Light Substances.

Template:Note label Denizens Attuned to Dark Substances

Template:Note label Dispite assumptions about "association" through their Attunement to Material Substances, Elemental Denizens with only one element favor different Rank names based on their element. Mixed element Denizens, however, share a single structure.

Template:Note label Because a character must be at least rank 5 to have the necessarry 2 Attunements there are no terms for lower-ranked multi-elemental Denizens