Ranklin Mhor

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Name and Race: Ranklin Mhor - Aasimar
Level: 10
Class: Druid Type; Humanoid (Human)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Height 5’11” Weight 170lbs Hair: Straw blond. Eyes: Violet Skin: Gold hued (tan). Build: Lanky.

Background: Clan Mhor holds the small mountain holdings of the Drecla Confederacy together. The Mohr descend, so it is said, from a union of a great to the fifth grandmother, a Priestess of the Celestial Way and the Archon Barachiel. Whether this is true or not, the Mohr line has bred true in all its children for six generations, providing a brood of clerics, paladins and sorcerors that have ruled the confederacy in all but name. To be a Mohr in Drecla is to be someone.
Which is why Ranklin is a thousand miles away from Drecla and his entire Awful Good clan.
It’s not that they aren’t good people (no pun intended)…but Ranklin could not accept the sense of privilege and entitlement that coloured his clan. He had always preferred the woods and mountains to the carefully ordered and tended pastures of his home and took orders as a priest of the Great Mother, she of three faces and three fires. His family were…not exactly shocked…but were not too receptive either. So he set off nine years ago to find his own way in the world.
Now he’s a Dragonhunter - after he saw what the Chromatic brood would do to farm and herdbeast, wild creature or tame when they attacked. While he hasn’t specialised in Dragonhunting to a great degree, it has influenced his choice of elemental companion.
Ranklin can be fairly quiet, but he’s quite the social fellow for a Druid and isn’t leery of towns at all..

Characteristics Str 12 [4pts]
Dex 14[6pts]
Con 14 [6pts]
Int 16 [8pts] +1L
Wis 19 [10pts] +2R +1L
Cha 12 [2pts] +2R

Base Statistics HD: 10D8+20
Hit points: 100
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30

Fortitude + 9
Reflex + 5
Willpower + 11

+8/+3 base melee
+9/+4 base ranged
+ 7/+9 base defence

+2 Racial bonus on Spot, Listen
Special Attacks: Daylight (Sp). An aasimar can use daylight once per day as a 1st-level caster or a caster of his class levels, whichever is higher.
Special Qualities: Resistance to acid 5, cold 5, and electricity 5.


  • Animal Companion - ACF Elemental Companion. (Large Air) [CMage p34]
  • Nature Sense
  • Wild Empathy (+11)
  • Woodland Stride
  • Trackless Step
  • Resist Natures Lure
  • Wild Shape ( 4/day, Large)
  • Venom immunity

Feats: Armor Proficiency: light,, medium.
Shield Proficiency
Simple, Martial Weapon Proficiency
WP: Club, Quaterstaff, dagger,sling, scimitar, shortspear, spear,
1st - Able learner, Nymphs kiss, Scribe Scroll 3rd - Empower Spell 6th - Natural spell 9th - Energy Substitution (what?)

Skills: 36 + 81pts. Speak Language: Common, Sylvan, Druidic, Celestial, Draconic, Elven.

  • Concentration (Con+2) 13/15
  • Craft [Dragon rendering](Int+3) 2/5
  • Diplomacy (Cha+1) 7/8
  • Handle Animal (Cha+1) 13/14
  • Heal (Wis+4) 11/15
  • Hide (Dex+2) 6/8
  • Kn (Nature) (Int+3) 13/18 [+2 NatS]
  • Listen (Wis+4) 13/19 [+2RacB]
  • Move Silently (Dex+1) 6/7
  • Ride (Dex+1) 9/10

Sense Motive (Wis+4) 6/10

  • Spot (Wis+4) 13/19 [+2 RacB]
  • Survival (Wis+4) 11/17 [+2 NatS]
  • Swim (Str +1) 1

Spells Prepared (Druid):10th level
0-6, 1st 4, 2nd 4, 3rd 3, 4th 3, 5th 2.

Spells he favours
Earthbind (Draconomicon p102) lvl2

Armour of Dragonshape (Gold) 23 165gp [Dracon p 118] Wild clasps 2 [MiH p ] 4k Lesser Rod of Extend Spell, 3000 gp Lesser Rod of Magic substitution 2700 Rod of Bodily Restoration 3100 [MiH 173] Fanged ring 1000gp [DrMagic 101] Ring of the Beast 8 000gp [CChamp p 141]


In Heward's Handy Haversack

Combat Related
AC: Full Attacks and Defences Notes on melee