Raven PL8
Raven (PL 8)
<Animated Teen Titans Version>
PP 124/130; Init: +2; Defense: 18/16; M/R/U: +3/+6/+3; Attack: punch +3 melee (0S), or force attack +10 ranged (7S); Saves: Dam. +4, Fort. +4, Ref. +4, Will +8; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 12.
[18 pts/22 pts]
Skills: Concentration +12, Knowledge (Occult) +10, Knowledge (planes) +10, Medicine +8, Notice +10, Stealth +8. [10 PP]
Feats: Hero's Luck Savant x2, Trance, Weapon Focus (force attacks).
[12 pp]
Super-Feats: Detect (magic).
Powers [62 PP]
Mettle [10 pp; Source: Training]
—Amazing Save: Damage, Fortitude, Reflex +2
—Amazing Save: Will +4
Sorcery [52 pp; Source: Training]
—Area: All +6
—Control +8 [Telekinesis]
—Defensive +8 [Force Field]
—Illusion +8 [Obscure]
—Offensive +6 [Force Attacks, Snare]
—Transformation +8 [Incorporeal]
—Transportation +6 [Flight]
—Flaw: Missing Divination group
Equipment [1 PP]
Comm Link (PS: Radio Communication) 1 pp
Rage: Similar to the berserker weakness, when Raven loses control of her emotions (GM's choice) she must make a successful Will save (base DC 15 plus modifiers) or give in her anger and lash out.