Recoil PL6

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PL: 6, gun toting phylosopher, Name: Jon Eisner, male, Size: Medium; INIT: +2, DEF 14/12; SPEED 30, GADGET MOVEMENT (UP TO) 30; MELEE +6, RANGED +7, MENTAL +5, SV: DMG +5, FORT +2, REF +8, WILL 0; STR 12, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 12.

SKILLS: Acrobatics* +3/1, Bluff +6/5, Computers* +3/1, Demolitions* +7/5, Diplomacy +3/2, Disable Dev* +5/3, Disguise +3/2, Innuendo* +3/2, Intimidate +9/8, Insurance Salesman +1/1, Repair* +4/2, Sleight/Hand* +4/2, Survival +5/5, Taunt +3/2.

FEATS: Far Shot, Point Blank Shot, Hero's Luck, Hero's Luck, Multishot, Power Attack, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Rapid Healing, Track, Evaluate (Super), Dead Aim, Reactive Shooter, Word on the Street.

POWERS: GADGETS (USUALLY WEAON) [+6], F: Magazines per weapon type [+6], GADGETS (USUALLY ARMOR) [+5], F: Magazines per weapon type [+3], GADGETS (OPEN FOR OTHER) [+3], F: Magazines per weapon type [+3], AMAZING SAVE - DAMAGE [+3], E: Amazing Save - Reflex [+6].

WEAKNESS: Quirk (fanatical) (will save to resist direct orders).

COST: abilities 16, combat 19, skills 12, feats 30, powers 23, weakness -10, total 90.

NOTE: The idea is that he has an assortment of guns, weapons, armor, and equipment that he uses - hence having the Gadget power 3 times to be able to use anything needed in three ways at the same time. the Gadgets would be limited to anything he could buy, steal or make for reasonable equipment... I couldn't see him having teleportation or anything but Flight he could have if he used Gadget to get a Sesna or Glider or maybe stretching it to a jetpack.


Jon Eisner had a life... He had made it into his mid thirties by the time he had the nerve to get out, suicide was the only option he could think of. He had the beamer, he had the Portable Phone, he had the fax in home, he had the 30K a year job, he had the right set of dishes, the perfect bed, the drapes, the rug. He was trapped in a lovely nest, and the things he used to own, now they owned him. But one shot to the head cured him of all that... How he survived he'd never know - maybe he didn't... What he knew now was he wouldn't let another moment go to waist. Selling all his worldly possessions, Jon filled a $300 pickup truck with makeshift weapons and hit the town... and every crooked polititian, every low down mobster, anyone willing to hold another person down. He rejected the life society said he should have - he just wanted to feel alive know that he could help the other Ikea-addicted daydreamers...