Red Northwest Of Nowhere, A Red Markets Campaign: Packrat

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Taker Name: Packrat Crew: Spots:

Weak - Steal from the rich Soft - Give to the poor Tough - Hustler +The good - Automatically succeed at Networking checks -The bad - Market can call in 1d10 bounty debt (gain 1 Will)

STR 3 Melee 2 (Shield 2) Resistance 3 Unarmed 1

SPD 1 Athletics 1 Shoot 1

ADP 3 Awareness 2 Self control 1 Scavenging 2 Criminality 3

INT 1 Mechanics 1

CHA 1 Intimidation 1

Dependents: Gladys, former homeless women Packrat met during his travels through the Loss

References: "Montana" Jackson, urban treasure hunter


  R.ARM         TORSO        L.ARM
   5             7-9           6            
 [_][_]     [_][_][_][_]     [X][_]
 [_][_]     [_][_][_][_]     [_][_]
 [_][_]     [_][_][_][_]     [_][_]
 [_][_]     [_][_][_][_]     [_][_]
 [_][_]     [_][_][_][_]     [_][_]
         R.LEG        L.LEG
          1-2          3-4
         [_][_]      [_][_]
         [_][_]      [_][_]
         [_][_]      [_][_]
         [_][_]      [_][_]
         [_][_]      [_][_]

_ = Open, no damage -/ = Stun X = Kill








_ = Open, no damage

  1. = Humanity Damage


Upkeep 1 Charges - Static Effect - Taker can carry STR in Haul and personal gear. Qualities - Essential, Static Rations

Upkeep 1 Charges - 10 Effect - Used to Buy-a-Roll on skills that require exertion. Each additional spend adds +1 to the roll. Qualities - Essential, Addictive, Charged Item Template (replace this with item name)

Upkeep Charges - 10 Effect - Qualities - Upgrades -


Survival = 1 Rent = 1 Dependents = total number of Dependents


Equipment = total of Gear Upkeep costs Purchase = Ignore unless using Bust rule: NBNB Pro. Dev. = Ignore unless using Bust rule: NBNB

Incidentals Incidentals are paid out as needed unless playing a Bust rule: NBNB game in which case they will need to be budgeted for.

Health Humanity Favors

Break Point = Sustenance total Projected Earnings = Ignore unless using Bust rule: NBNB

RETIREMENT MILESTONES First Milestone (Savings: 0) Second Milestone (Savings: 0) Final Milestone (Savings: 0)