"There is a storm brewing. Solis Lacus, the Lake of the Sun, or perhaps you know it as the Eye of Mars, yes? It is close to the size of Old Germany, and the heart of most of Mars' largest dust storms -- and I do not mean like the storms you might remember from back on Earth. No, I mean most of the planet big. The storms have eased since terraforming began, but this joints ache already, and the sky is still clear. And do not try to tell me I just need my GSPs -- I had them last month. This one will be a redout like nothing we have seen since colonization began." -- Gunther, Barsoomian Nomad
"You find some weird shit out on patrol, and not just in the White Zone. I was down in the Eye a few weeks back and found a biomorph. Not just dead, but it was like some kind of ritual killing or something. Symbols etched into the sand, and what had been done to that body...I've seen ugly before, and this was up there with the worst of it. More end-of-transhumanity nutjobs at work. They've been crawling out from under their rocks a lot more than usual lately. They say the Eye is opening. They say that its gaze is going to destroy us all. I say they're a bunch of psychopaths that need to be put down before they can hurt anyone else." -- Kade, Martian Ranger
Like Martian society itself, Noctis-Qianjiao is a divided city -- divided between the two domes, with the surface home to some of the most impressive architecture and fashion that transhumanity has to offer; divided between surface and underground, with many of the undesirable elements of society shoved underground among the long-outdated and replaced support infrastructure for the original colony in what has come to be called the Downside. Tensions have been escalating of late, and strange cults predicting the end of transhumanity becoming more vocal and prominent. Some see an outside hand at work, though most scoff at such a notion...
Resources and General Info[edit]
- Redout Recruitment Thread
- Redout Re-Recruitment Thread
- Redout House Rules
- Mars Fact Sheet
- Eclipse Phase website
- The Eclipse Phase MUSH: (via telnet or MU* client of choice)
The Story So Far[edit]
Chapter 1: Of Things Lost[edit]
Cast of Characters (PCs)[edit]
- Lai Siu Lung (A-lung), Criminal Opportunist from the Lost Generation
- Miyuki Fujiwara, Aspiring Manga Artist and (unlicensed) Private Investigator
- Long-Legs Johnny, Uplift Octopus Memeticist and Asych
Cast of Characters (former PCs)[edit]
- Clint C2972 Thorogood, Uplift Gorilla Tinkerer
- Nathaniel (Nate) Ray, Former Pro Fighter turned Bouncer
- Διονύδώροτου τρέλας, A Mad Scientist from the Lost Generation