Reff is a drow who found himself changed forever after being initiated into the Ministry. Now he is... strange, and finds the blessings of Lombre help him to slip into the roles of other people when he needs to become someone else to accomplish Her goals.
Class: Shadow Agent
Refresh: Gain an advantage by posing as someone you're not.
Durance: Information Broker
Skills: Deceive, Fight, Investigate (Knack), Sneak
Domains: Occult, Religion
Core Abilities[edit]
Cover Identities
Rite of Many Faces
Create Cover
Cultist (Occult) [The Crimson Vigil]
Left Hand of God (Religion) [Church of Our Glorious Lady]
Low Advances[edit]
Instrument of the Goddess
Lombre's Embrace
Reyn: Sister (Trader) [Individual]
Stiletto dagger (D3, Concealable, Piercing, Unreliable)
Illegal crossbow (D6, Ranged, Reload)
Minister’s Sanctuary armor (Armor 1, Concealable)
Religious Vestments
Sacrificial Tool (D3)
Mystical Looking Robes
Books on Dark Arts
Armor +1
Blood +0
Mind +1
Shadow +4
Silver +0
Reputation +0