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Company Stats[edit]

  • Might: 5
  • Treasure: 5
    • Permanent Underclass (the Han people): Once per year they may permanently reduce Sovereignty by 1 in order to increase Treasure by 1.
  • Influence: 3
  • Territory: 5
  • Sovereignty: 3


  • 1115: Jin state is founded by Jurchen tribal chief Wanyan Aguda.
  • 1125: The Jin kingdom completely conquers the Liao kingdom, which brings its new borders up against those of the Song Empire.
  • 1127: Jin forces ransack Kaifeng, capital of the Song Empire, and capture the ruling Song Emperor Qinzong.
  • 1141: Song sues for peace with Jin in the treaty of Shaoxing, ceding to Jin all territory north of the Huai River, agreeing to pay yearly tribute, and executing the Song general and patriot Yue Fei.
  • 1149: Reigning Jin Emperor Wanyan Xizong is murdered by a cabal of nobles (for his arbitrary executions of Jurchen nobles, including those of the royal clan) and replaced by Wanyan Liang.
  • 1153: Wanyan Liang moves the southern Jin capital from Huining Fu to Zhongdu.
  • 1157: Wanyan Liang razes Zhongdu to the ground and relocates the capital to Kaifeng (beginning reconstruction on Kaifeng).
  • 1161: Wanyan Liang declares war on the Southern Song Empire. Rebellions in the north of the Jin empire bring a halt to the southern advance, however. Wanyan Liang and his heir are assassinated at the end of the year and replaced with Wanyan Yong.
  • 1164: Jin Empire sues for peace with Song in the Treaty of Longxing.
  • 1207: An invasion from Song is repulsed. Song's tribute is increased and the head of the war movement in Song (Han Touzhou) is executed.
  • 1211: The Mongols, under Genghis Khan, begin invading the Jin Empire.
  • 1213: Mongol forces carve their way to and besiege the capital of the Jin Empire.
  • 1214: The Jin sue for peace with the Mongols and agree to pay an embarassing tribute.
  • 1216: Jin, under Wanyan Xun, attempt to invade Song again.
  • 1219: The Jin invasion of Song is repulsed at the Yangtze River.
  • 1224: Wanyan Shouxu overthrows his brother, takes control of the Jin Empire, and ends the invasion of Song.


Includes the Jurchen tribe invaders, native Han people, and refugees from the remnants of former Xia and Khitai kingdoms.

At first, the Jurchen tribesmen were kept in readiness for warfare but decades of urban and settled life in China eroded their original hunting-gathering lifestyle in Manchurian tundra and marshes. Eventually intermarriage with other ethnicities in China was permitted and peace with the Southern Song confirmed. The Jin rulers themselves came to follow Confucian norms, developing the Taihe Code of law in 1201, which was based mostly on the Tang Code.

However, the Jurchen do make the Han, within the conquered territories, shave the tops of their heads and adopt Jurchen dress. This "bald-Head" fashion is known as tūfǎ (“Bald-Hair or Stripped-Hair”) to the Chinese. The early Jurchen script was invented in 1120 by Wanyan Xiyin, acting on the orders of Wanyan Aguda. It was based on the Khitan script, that was inspired in turn by Chinese characters.

They engaged in shamanic cults and believed in a supreme sky god (abka-i enduri, abka-i han). After conquering China, during the Jin Dynasty, the Jurchen adopted Buddhism as the state religion and Taoism was assimilated as well.

Language: Nuzhen


  • But outside of him, it was very rare to meet someone in the martial world who uses this weapon. Because of the sheer weight of the weapon, it required that the user had to have enormous upper back strength. However, the Jin army loved to use this weapon. This was because the Jin people lived in the freezing cold climate of Liaodong, so they were all very strong. When using this weapon on the battlefield, its heaviness gave them a distinct advantage.
  • The Wanyan brothers had with them ten-thousand elite soldiers, each wearing silk capes, iron armor and carrying a spear in the left hand and a wolf-fang club in the right hand while riding on their horses.
  • By the time the sun was barely peeking over the distant horizon, Temujin had already mounted his horse and the five-thousand soldiers had already lined up in perfect formation. The Jurchen soldiers and generals, however, were still fast asleep.


  • They were precisely the Wulin characters she met several months earlier at the Zhao Palace in Yanjing. The one short and stout with bright eyes was 'qian shou ren tu' [thousand-hand man slaughterer] Peng Lianhu, the one with a bald, shiny head was 'gui men long wang' [dragon king of Guimen (lit. ghost gate) Note to final editor: the earlier chapter has 'Dragon King of Demonic Group'] Sha Tongtian, the one with three tumors on his head sticking out like horns was 'san tou jiao' [three-headed scaly dragon] Hou Tonghai, the one with ruddy face and white hair was 'shen xian lao guai' [ginseng immortal old freak] Liang Ziweng, the one wearing scarlet kassaya was the Tibetan monk 'da shou yin' [big hand print] Venerable Lingzhi.
  • Hou Tonghai replied, "We were very unfortunate; we met a ghost at the imperial palace last night. Damn it! Old Hou's ears were cut off by the ghost."

Wanyan Shouxu[edit]