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Ambush Evil Cane[edit]

A skill of Ke Zhen E.

  • Concealed Medicine Poke
  • Dropping the Demon
  • Guo Jing employed the techniques of the “Exorcizing cane” taught by his First Shifu.
  • Diamond Guard

Open Hills Palm[edit]

A skill of Nan Xiren.

  • ‘The Hawk Hunting Rabbits’
  • ‘Iron Bull Tilling the Land’
  • 'Palm of the Southern Hills', taught by Nan Xi Ren. His palm strokes were fierce and the wind around them stirred.

Trapping Hand[edit]

A skill of Quan Jin Fa.

  • Holding Bridge, Changing Pillar: A trip or slam type attack used when an enemy is off balance.

Whip of the Golden Dragon[edit]

That afternoon, Han Baoju taught him the ‘Whip of the Golden Dragon’. This kind of flexible weapon required particularly close attention; if one didn’t master all the refinements of it, not only would you not reach the enemy, but you risked getting injured by it yourself.

Yue Maiden Swordplay[edit]

A skill of Han Xiaoyang.

  • The “Yue Maiden Swordplay” that the Wu brothers had learned was actually itself a powerful swordplay but the two had yet to reach a high level of proficiency with it.
  • This sword skill was smooth and contained subtle changes and was a powerful skill.
  • In the last years of the Spring and Autumn era, the states Yue and Wu were mortal enemies. The King of the state of Yue, Gou Qian, in order to remind himself of the shame of defeat and to motivate himself to excel, tortured himself by sleeping on a straw bed and tasting everyday a gall-bladder that he hung from the ceiling. Nevertheless, the King of Wu had a general under him named Wu Tzushi who, being a disciple of Sun-Tze’s school of war, was a great tactician and trainer. Seeing that his army was still no match for his enemy’s, Gou Qian got more and more depressed. One day, a beautiful young girl with amazing sword skills suddenly appeared inside the Yue borders. Happy beyond words, Gou Qian immediately asked her to teach his soldiers her skills and was finally able to defeat the Wu army because of it. Jiaxing, being the meeting place between the two states, was a place where several battles occurred. It was no surprise that the entire sword technique was passed down in this area. The only problem was that the sword skill was designed to be most effective on the battlefield. It was mostly used to chop down numerous soldiers and bringing down horses in a crowd. It was not nimble or agile enough when used against martial arts practitioners in the martial world. It was only in the last days of the Tang dynasty that this sword technique received a much needed upgrade from a swordplay genius from this area. This sword master made the moves much more complex and speedier.
  • ‘The Lightning Illuminates the Big Sky’
  • ‘White Mist on the Stream’
  • ‘The Phoenix Nods it’s Head’, feinted towards the enemy’s left armpit; then, moving to the side, raised the tip of the sword for a quick and precise thrust, aimed at his eyes. It was the very essence of the sophisticated technique of ‘The Sword of the Yue Maiden’
  • To execute the first, ‘The Branch Hits the White Gorilla’, it was necessary to leap, make two turns with the sword before straightening it to attack.
  • ‘The Phoenix Flies off and the Snake Bounds’


Guo Jing[edit]

  • Guo Jing wore a coarse long gown.
  • Guo Jing was brought up the Jiangnan Seven Freaks and was taught martial arts by Hong Qigong; he was very grateful to his Masters. Ever since he was young he believed that the ways of his Masters were right and proper.
  • He wasn’t the most articulate; he stuttered even more now that he is angry.
  • Most of the heroes of the central plains knew that Guo Jing’s skills were terrifyingly good and now in the prime of his life, he could be said to be the world’s number one fighter.
  • His argument made some sense; Guo Jing was clumsy with words and had no way to rebuke.
  • Guo Jing knew that he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the box, he knew that there are a lot of people who were cleverer than him.
  • He was a hero who defended the Han-Chinese from the Mongols during the Mongolian invasion of the Central Plains. A simple and honest man, he was the disciple of the legendary Mongolian archer Zhebie (哲别), the Jiangnan Seven Freaks (江南七怪, below) and North Beggar Hong Qi Gong (洪七公, below). His wife is the beautiful and intelligent Huang Rong, who was also the chief of the Beggars' Clan.
  • Guo Jing's archery skills were unrivalled. His martial arts included basic skills taught by the Jiangnan Seven Freaks, Quan Zhen internal skills, the powerful 18 Dragon Subduing Palms and 9 Yin Manual skills.
  • He had always been straight forward, whatever is in his heart will be said.
  • ‘The Song courts are led by an incompetent Emperor and scheming ministers; they have timid Generals and a weak army. Although they have great numbers they will not be able to defend against our skilled army. But if you come across Guo Jing, you must be careful.'
  • This person wore a grey gown and was fighting empty handed; he scanned the walls and when he saw Han soldiers in distress, he would immediately dash over and help them. Wherever his palms went, Mongolian soldiers fell; it was like a tiger in amongst a herd of sheep.
  • It appeared that Guo Jing had no way to avoid the arrows; but he gathered his hands towards himself and grabbed the arrows. He then raised his hands and shot the arrows back. Before the two guards had turned their horses around, the arrows had arrived and shot through their chests.
  • Though Guo Jing’s and Fawang’s martial arts were within a hairsbreadth of each other, Guo Jing’s archery skills were unsurpassed. He had learned archery from one of the greatest Mongolian archers, Zhe Bie (Jebeh), when he was young and his internal energy was profound – when it came to archery, Fawang lost out.
  • Guo Jing grew up in Mongolia and was well versed in riding, archery and wrestling.
  • Guo Jing's school years were not too many, his handwriting was shoddy; oftentimes he had to think the characters he had to write; so he worked very slowly. More than once he did not know how to write certain character, so he had to ask Ouyang Ke to write it for him.
  • Compared to Guo Jing’s sturdy body, Xiao Longnu’s was far more delicate and so her injury was many times more serious.
  • Guo Jing had always been calm and steady; he was even calmer in precarious situations
  • Guo Jing’s archery skills were taught by the legendary Mongolian General Jebe [Zhe-be] and he’d practiced for many years. He was standing out of range of the Mongolian archers yet he managed to hit the 3 men on the tower.
  • Guo Jing understood none of what Qi-Gong had just said, but he rigidly memorized his every word so that he could slowly ponder over it in future. His method of training had always been 'if people practice for one day, then I'll practice for ten days'.
  • The Mongolians have trained and perfected their wrestling techniques for generations; they were considered one of the bests. Guo Jing grew up in the Mongolian desert. Before he even learned martial arts from the Six Freaks of Jiangnan he had played and wrestled everyday with Tuolei and his friends. So Mongolian wrestling to him was as natural as eating rice to him.
  • But he was a dull talker, struggling to convey what he meant in words.

Ke Zhen E[edit]

  • The Flying Bat. Blind, fights with a heavy iron staff.
  • "Guo Jing also tried a few times to invite his Great Master Ke Zhen E to the island to enjoy his old age. But Ke Zhen E was a city dweller at heart, drinking and gambling was a hobby to him and so declined the invitation. One day he went to the island by himself, not being picked up by Guo Jing. What had happened was that he was having no luck, the more he gambled the more he lost, and he ended up with great debts. He had nowhere to go, and had to escape his debts. Guo Jing and Huang Rong were delighted to see him, and kept him on the island not permitting him to leave. Huang Rong eventually found about the debts, and secretly sent out someone to pay them. Ke Zhen E didn’t know about this, so he dare not return to Jiaxing, and resided on the island with nothing to do. As a result he had become a playmate for Guo Fu."
  • Yang Guo saw that his manner was imposing and gallant and he respected him.
  • His lips were thin and his cheekbones prominent. His face looked gray and seemed full of hate and anger.
  • It’s not often that one meets a blind man able to fire projectiles so accurately, even with a person on the side telling him where to fire them.
  • These projectiles are used only by Ke Zhen’E, and had corners on all 4 sides like a diamond, but as sharp anyone could make them. He learned to use them after he was blinded because the projectiles were heavy, making it easy for him to be accurate. After knocking the projectiles down with the vat, Qiu Chuji actually felt the vat shake! He thought: “Amazing, what strength!”
  • Although Ouyang Ke was highly-skilled, the Six Freaks had spent more than a decade in the desert working hard and had improved significantly since they left the Central Plains.
  • Ke Zheng'E and Zhu Cong were much more powerful than the rest of their brothers.
  • Ke Zhen'E himself was an expert in using poison. As soon as he smelled the antidote he said, "To be taken orally, also to be applied to the wound. This is the antidote."
  • He was so shocked that cold sweats trickled down his back. He knew Ke Zhen’e’s secret projectiles contained a violent poison on it; the other day Peng Lianhu nearly got killed under this weapon.