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Real Name: Samantha

Identity: Secret

Occupation: Student, Member (and reluctant caretaker) of the Alterniteens

Base of Operations: Claremont Academy

Height: 5 ft 6

Weight: 130 lb

Eyes: Brown

Hair: Black


Relentless unfortunately can't compete with the bombshell that is your usual superheroine: she's got a nice toned runner's body, but she's so lean that wearing the right clothes she could pass for a boy. She's sensitive about it, due to some ideas of "superiority" she retained from her upbringing, but rather than try to fight it she's simply given up and takes to wearing plain clothing.


The most level-headed (not that this is hard to achieve) of the Alterniteens, Relentless is the one who has to think their way out of whatever mess the rest of the team has gotten them into. This has developed from trying to take care of her thick-headed brother and eventually every other stupid person she meets, which seems to be all of them. Therefore she has a very grouchy and cynical manner.

Relentless is attracted to girls, but due to her perceived unattractiveness (and an "incident" with Nereid that she refuses to speak about) she's painfully shy about the notion of a relationship.


Relentless is fast……………………………………………that's about it. Fast, and not yet possessing the many of the tricks that, even if she did have them, would make her exactly like all the other speedsters out there.

She is, however, better than most at actually doing some thinking before she races off.

Background and Continuity[edit]

In this universe Relentless and her brother were children kidnapped by Mastermind as members of what he believes is the next stage of human evolution. Raised in his secret flying mountain lair with other mutant children they were trained in combat and highly educated so that, as they were taught by Mastermind, they could one day take their rightful place as masters of the human species. Fortunately Relentless was too smart to believe him, and Dauntless too dumb. Desiring to know what the outside world was really like, and being rebellious teenagers, they "ran away to join the Freedom League". Obviously they wound up at Claremont. Relentless hopes one day they can go back and "convince Dad to let everyone else live their own lives".

(It should be noted that unlike the usual sociopathic father-figure at the center of these sorts of stories Mastermind is actually a pretty nice guy. He's just a racist. Therefore his "children" have been raised to be cooperative and helpful to one another, not the "strong use the weak as a footstool" approach one might expect.)

Halt Evil Doer!