Rending Seba
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Rending Seba[edit]
- Warrior: 1
- Gender: Male
- Experience: 0 / 500
- Hits: 2 / 2
- Combat Pool: 1
- AC: 5/6 (-1 DAM)
- Modifiers: None
- Morale: 0
- Reaction: 0
- Initiative: +1 (Leader)
- Movement: 14
- Description/Background: Rending Seba was sold by his father to a mercenary troop on its way to reinforce the Tusked Lord's siege of the city Fifth. The troop, hired to be shock troops, was decimated and Seba killed his seargant for cowardice. After Fifth was conquered, Seba bought his freedom with his spoils. A herald invented the moniker “the last son of blood and rust” due to Seba being the last recruit of the now destroyed mercenary unit and his father's betrayal. Seba broke the herald's arm.
- Gifts & Curses:
- Rich: The character begins play with 10x the normal amount or value of possessions, and each month automatically receives 2d x 25 schillings
- Abilities:
- Hearty: Increase Hits by 1. The character also gains a +1 bonus per die to saving throws vs. poison, exhaustion, various injury effects (see Table XI) or any other physical challenges involving injury or fatigue.
- Jousting: Ability to fight with the mounted lance and participate in Jousting combat.
- Leader: The character can serve as a leader for a side in skirmish combat and can rally nearby friendly combatants. He may normally expect to have simple orders followed by his followers. +1 bonus to initiative in any type of combat, and to the morale ratings of anyone following their lead. A saving throw may be called for if the leader attempts to give dangerous or otherwise questionable orders.
- Armour: Mail
- Weaponry: Axe, Great Sword, War Lance, Horse Bow
- Gear: Shield,
- Treasure: 11s