Rhino II (Ryan Bogo)

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The Rhino II

Rhino II isn't the dumb as bricks... brick that his namesake was. The Ram Raiderz were a roving gang of bikeys and car thieves who got their kicks out of ramming ATM machines and store fronts with their vehicles to get at the valuable innards. Ryan Bogo was a smart kid in the wrong crowd, an engineering genius Ryan was the mechanic of the Ram Raiders, keeping the vehicles in shape even after their job. When Spider-Man got word of the Ram Raiderz next hit, he was waiting. Leaping in and surprising the vehicular villains Spider-Man knocked the entire gang out, except for Ryan who was still a the garage hideout. Realising that this was a chance to get some respect from his gang Ryan worked over the next month stealing cars and bits and pieces of robotic machinery from construction sites, eventually creating a 10 ft. tall engine of destruction. Equipped with a solid steel horn to rip through the detention facility's walls Ryan stepped inside the monstrosity and became the Rhino!

Rhino II: PL 14

Init +5;Defense 20 (+9 Base, +1 Dex);Spd 50ft.; Atk +9 melee (27), ranged (27 <improvised>); SV DMG +1 (Prot +12), Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +0; Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10.

Skills: Computers 12 ranks (+16 total), Craft (Mechanics) 15 ranks (+19 total), Drive 12 ranks (+13 total), Intimidate 12 ranks (+12 total), Science (engineering) 15 rank s (+19 total).

Feats: Power Attack, , Move by Attack, Improved Initiative,Take Down Attack. (8pp)


  • Gadgets +10 (cost: 6pp),
  • Super-Intelligence +2 (cost: 4pp)


  • Rhino Suit – Armor +8 [Extras: Growth +4 (Extras: Continuous, Deflection [Extras: Automatic], Running; Flaws: Permanent), Super-Strength; Power Stunts: Darkvision, Radio Hearing; Source: Super-Science; Cost: 4pp/7pp; Total: 64pp)


  • Achilles Heel (major): Anyone able to land an attack inside the cockpit of the Rhino II gets at the weak body of Ryan who has a damage save of +1 and no benefit of protection. Doing so isn't easy though and an attack aimed at the cockpit has a -6 penalty.