Robert Black

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Robert Black was a thief. He skulked, stole, and did as he wished. He grew to dislike authority. He did as he wished and did not care if others thought ill of him. And religion? Ha. A ruse to take from the rich and poor alike. The Anglican Church was as corrupt as the Catholic Church. Nothing was pure. And so, the Church was just as valid a target as any.

As he died on the floor of the church he had attempted to steal from, bleeding from the wound on his neck, Robert knew he was going to Hell. It had to exist for he had been killed by a demon. But then, the Archangel Michael appeared and kept him from going to Hell by gifting Robert with His Holy Blood.

Thus, Robert rose and found himself in Purgatory, a bizarre mirror of the world he had died in. But he had another chance. Sworn to serve the Church he had robbed, to serve his savior Michael, Rob began to learn a new trade.

But the urge remains, the temptation...


Robert Black appears as a man in his mid-20s. He has shoulder length black hair that is sometimes tied back or is pushed under a white wig. He typically wears the traditional long black robes of a vicar, with the large, white square collar resting on him. He is about 5'7" in height, with a slight build. His hands sometimes twitch as if moving something between the fingers over and over. Brown eyes.

Character Sheet[edit]

Name: Robert Black

Player: Marikir

Chronicle: Bombay by Night

Nature: Rogue

Demeanor: Penitent

Concept: Thief turned Vicar

Clan: Malkavian

Generation: 8

Sire: "Michael"


Strength: 2

Dexterity: 4

Stamina: 2

Charisma: 4

Manipulation: 4

Appearance: 2

Perception: 3

Intelligence: 2

Wits: 3

Skills and Talents[edit]

Alertness: 3

Athletics: 2

Awareness: 2

Brawl: 2

Empathy: 1

Expression: 2

Leadership: 1

Streetwise: 2

Subterfuge: 2

Larceny: 3

Melee: 1

Performance: 1

Ride: 1

Stealth: 2

Survival: 1

Investigation: 1

Law: 1

Occult: 1

Politics: 1

Science: 1

Theology: 1


Auspex: 2

Dementation: 3

Obfuscate: 2

Fortitude: 1

Merits and Flaws[edit]

Language (1 pt) Spanish

Language (1 pt) French

Deathsight (2 pts)

Deep Sleeper (1 pt)

Vulnerability to Silver (2 pts)

Prey Exclusion (Children) (1 pt)


Generation: 5

Influence: 1

Resources: 1


Conscience: 2

Self-Control: 3

Courage: 5


Humanity: 5

Willpower: 7

Blood Pool: 15

Weakness: Derangement - Angels/Demons reside here in Purgatory with me and humanity.