Rogue Trader - Passionate Intensity - Lord-Captain Myra Vasilyevitch

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"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist - and I have more guns on you than you will see in your lifetime!"

House Vasilyevitch. It is a name to conjure with in Imperial space; one which carries with it a reputation that any well-versed Sister Famulous will only recount with a shudder. Its origins are murky, its history longer than that of some Sectors and smirched with suspicion. It is hypothesised by enemies of the House that the dynasty has only retained its power through copious blackmail material and threats. Such people often stop spreading such lies eventually, of course, one way or another; and the House remained one of the most glorious and powerful in Imperial annals.

Nevertheless the fortunes of House Vasilyevitch have declined over the last few centuries, its holdings lost piece by piece to war, misfortune, hostile takeover, market catastrophe, and in one memorable case Exterminatus. Myra, the thirteenth son of Kaspar Vasilyevitch, now stands as the heir apparent and holds the dynastic Warrant of Trade, a hallowed document stained with the blood of a million humans and an unknown number of xenos. Myra murdered his way to the top, of course, arranging the deaths of his twelve elder siblings over the course of as many years - an act that anywhere else would be a travesty but in Imperial politics was merely a distateful whisper behind fluttering Aquila fans.

Lord-Captain Vasilyevitch has vowed that his name will be remembered forever, his House a mark on Mankind that will never be washed away.


Origin: Noble Born (Tainted Blood of Malfi)
The Vasilyevitch bloodline stretches back for a thousand years. Some say they hold documentation which proves they were the original founding family of Malfi itself, and the planet takes after them in its clever and cunning aspect. For as long as there have been the Vasilyevitches, though, there have been the Coure van Daynes - a mercantile family just as inventive, just as cunning, and just as daring - but somehow without any of the apparent good luck. Nevertheless they are a resourceful bloodline, certain that Vasilyevitch have robbed them time and again of the opportunities they have strived so hard to create for themselves. Are they right? Who can say? Nevertheless their hatred runs deep indeed.

Birthright: Vaunted
Being noble born is one thing; but knowing how to use that is the real birthright.

Lure of the Void: Zealot (Unnerving Clarity)
Lord-Captain Vasilyevitch's faith is not in the Golden Throne, the Aquila, or the cold mechanical Omnissiah. It is in himself!

Trials and Travails: High Vendetta
Perhaps unsurprisingly, one of the more formative experiences of Myra's life was when he ousted his elder sister Beatrix. It was said that she was just as clever, and just as conniving, as the then-young Myra; and long had she foreseen his movements against her. She had spent years building up twisting, distracting defences which thwarted his every move; rendering him ever more apoplectic with rage as his most devilish ploys came to naught. How he finally defeated her, Lord-Captain Vasilyevitch will never say; the record only shows that, after a whole week spent raging and plotting in his palace, there was one long dark night and then Beatrix disappeared, leaving Myra prideful and smiling once again. Whatever happened, it left him changed - no longer as able to stay mercurial in the face of insult, rather instead to crush it, utterly and mercilessly.

Motivation: Prestige
Lord-Captain Vasilyevitch knows what makes the heart of the Imperium tick. Some would say it is faith. He knows it is filthy lucre.

Career: Rogue Trader
Myra inherited his Warrant of Trade, somehow, despite only being thirteenth in line on the Dynastic ledger.

Lineage: A Powerful Legacy
For as long as the Calixis Sector has existed, a Vasilyevitch has squeezed it for everything it had to give - and navigated the nest of vipers who sit at the top of the rotting pile.


WS 40
BS 34
S 44
T 33
Ag 46
Int 66
Per 41
WP 53
Fel 57

Initiative +6
Wounds 12
Insanity 20
Corruption 5

Fate Points 3


Command +20
Ciphers (Rogue Trader - Vasilyevitch)
Common Lore (Imperial Navy)
Common Lore (Imperium)
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse)
Dodge +10
Forbidden Lore (Xenos)
Scholastic Lore (Astromancy)
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry)
Scholastic Lore (Imperial Warrants)
Scholastic Lore (Legend)
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader - Vasilyevitch)
Speak Language (High Gothic)
Speak Language (Low Gothic)
Speak Language (Trader's Cant)


Air of Authority
Dark Soul
Iron Discipline
Melee Weapon Training (Universal)
Peer (Nobility)
Peer (Underworld)
Pistol Weapon Training (Universal)
Quick Draw
Renowned Warrant
Resistance (Fear)
Sound Constitution (2)
Talented (Command)
Talented (Commerce)
Talented (Deceive)
Talented (Intimidate)
Talented (Scrutiny)


Tainted Blood of Malfi
Vendetta (Coure van Dayne family)
Brook No Insult
Exceptional Leader


The Audacity
Best-Craftsmanship Storm Trooper Carapace with good-Craftsmanship Hexagrammic Warding
Mordian-Pattern Power Sword
Plasma Pistol
Frag grenades
Smoke grenades
Void suit
Fine clothing
Xeno-pelt cloak - the Yiptids of Xeboris Minor were a flourishing pre-industrial xenos race, with a rich culture based on rainbow paintings of such art that to see them would move a human to tears of rapture. Sadly for them Xeboris Minor held abundant mineral wealth and Vasilyevitch strip-mined the planet to a bare rock. Their foremost philosopher-king, who was also their most powerful warrior, a three-foot terror, was skinned by Igor Vasilyevitch himself and fashioned in to a fine fur cape.


Starting 4500
Rank 1
Background 350
Simple WS 100
Simple Int 100
Simple WP 250
Awareness 100
Dodge 100
Ciphers (Rogue Trader - Vasilyevitch) 100
Secret Tongue (Rogue Trader - Vasilyevitch) 100
Speak Language (Trader's Cant) 100
Renowned Warrant 200
Ambidextrous 200
Simple S 500
Intermediate Int 250
Simple Fel 100
TOTAL 7050
Rank 2
Carouse 200
Command +10 200
Common Lore (Koronus Expanse) 200
Forbidden Lore (Xenos) 200
Deceive 200
Gamble 200
Intimidate 200
Scholastic Lore (Imperial Warrants) 200
Iron Discipline 200
Jaded 200
Quick Draw 200
Trained Int 500
Intermediate Fel 250
TOTAL 10000
Rank 3
Command +20 200
Common Lore (Imperial Navy) 200
Dodge +10 200
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) 200
Scholastic Lore (Legend) 200
Scrutiny 200
Dark Soul 200
Foresight 200
Sound Constitution x2 400
Simple Ag 250
Simple Per 250
Intermediate WP 500