Rond, Cleric (Catechist) [Priest] Stats: STR:10 (0), INT:12 (0), WIS:13 (+1), DEX:12 (0), CON:9 (0), CHR:12 (0) Saves: Petrification & Paralysis: 11, Poison & Death: 8, Blast & Breath: 14, Staffs & Wands: 11, Spells: 13
Combat: AC: 5 (6 with shield), HP: 1d6, Movement: 90' (30') Attacks: Warhammer (10+,1d6) Actions: Open doors (18+), Detect secret doors (18+), Hear noise (18+), Find traps (18+) Proficiencies: Laying on Hands, Healing Class features: Turn undead (Skeleton 10+, Zombie 13+, Ghoul 16+, Wight 19+)
Equipment: Holy symbol (Ioun), wooden shield, banded plate armor, purple priest’s cassock, leather belt, low boots, wineskin with good wine, small sack, holy book, 1 week’s iron rations,
Languages: Common
Next level: 1,500 XP (5% bonus)