Ronin Crimson
A character in What Was Once Lost.
- Race: Human
- Template: Robot Vehicle Ace
A human woman in her late teens or early 20s, Ronin Crimson (which she makes no bones about being an alias) is a mercenary robot ace, and a flashy one. Her robot vehicle, the Titan Maximum, is painted a dramatic red, with white biceps and thighs, its eyes glowing green when it goes into action. Her flight suit matches her robot, accented with a long yellow scarf, light enough to blow and stir in the breeze. Somewhat petite, her outsized personality and dramatic flair make up for her short stature. She is fond of dramatic poses, surprise entrances and bold proclamations... This helps her stand out in the crowded field of high-tech mercenaries.
An experienced campaigner, she alludes to service in a larger unit before operating solo. She has no love for the Coalition though, and won't take "Coalition jobs" that involve assaults on D-Bees or magic communities. Both of these may be why she's some distance from the CS urban areas. "You're hiring a gun, not a storyteller" she'll say when pressed. Perhaps a long-term job with others will shake some of the truth of her past loose.
- Agility-d12
- Smarts-d8
- Spirit-d6
- Strength-d4
- Vigor-d6
- Athletics-d4
- Battle-d6
- Common Knowledge-d6
- Electronics-d6
- Fighting-d10
- Healing-d6
- Notice-d6
- Persuasion-d4
- Piloting-d12
- Repair-d8
- Shooting-d12
- Stealth-d4
- Survival-d6
Derived Stats[edit]
- Pace 6
- Toughness (armored): 10 (4)
- Parry: 7
Robot Vehicle Jock
Combat Ace
Ms. Fix-it
Martial Artist
Rock 'n Roll
Rapid Fire
Code of Honor
Quirk - Dramatic Flair
Plastic Man Light EBA
Wilk’s 320 “Classic” Laser Pistol w/ two E-clips
NG-S2 Survival Pack (includes a Survival Knife, wooden cross, and wooden stakes)
Repair Kit, Field
Field House - A 10' x 10' x 10' cube mobile home with hardpoint mounts to be carried on the back of a Titan combat robot. Includes kitchenette, shower, toilet and folding dining/meeting table. Four people can ride inside while it is carried in comfort, six if they cram in.Toughness 15 (4)
Titan TN-001 Combat Robot[edit]
- Size 9 (Huge)
- Toughness 42 (18)
- Parry 8
- Strength D12+7
- Pace + Run MPH 14+D8/60 MPH
- Crew 1 + 2
- Notes: MDC Armor, Shoulder STS cluster is vulnerable (-4 to hit, 17 Hardness)
- Weapons: Medium Railgun (Right forearm), 2x Medium Missile Launchers (Shoulders, ROF 4, 5 shots each, AP warheads), 2x Mini-Missile Launchers (Legs, ROF 4, 6 shots each, Plasma warheads), Dual Linked Anti-Personnel Lasers (Chest Turret, Front)
Hero's Journey[edit]
- Training 4: Martial Artist
- MARS Fortune & Glory: Smart and Learned