Rose Garden Brotherhood

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Careless Whisper, Chosen of Mela

Whisper is a small, flighty and excitable young woman who is a nigh-infinite well of enthusiasm and joy. She also serves as the group's alarm clock because she's usually the first one up and with great effort, she can keep herself from bouncing and squeeing around for five minutes before waking someone else up. A stereotypical Air Aspect, she is given to flights of fancy and dreaming up all manner of inventions and devices to play with... if only she had the time or the resources.

Despite her ditziness, Whisper is actually quite the savant, and can cheerfully rattle off technical details long past the point of boredom for the rest of the Brotherhood. Her excessive curiosity also makes her an impromptu scout, because she enjoys running off by herself, looking at things, and then running back with a mess of monsters on her trail.

Darik Ogren, Chosen of Pasiap

Ogren could be mistaken for a Wyld mutant; he's over seven feet tall and his aspect markings don't exactly help his case either either. He is surprisingly gentle and perceptive, despite his size, and fond of occupying his hands with the creation of small trinkets, which he leaves behind him as a calling card or as a minor present to children. His job in the group is a difficult one - balance and stabilize the somewhat extreme personalities in the brotherhood. Fortunately, everyone defers to him as the big brother of the group, so it's not so bad, although Whisper and Damara can be a handful from time to time.

Ogren was also a commander of men before he met Nerya - the two frequently compare notes and work out formations and battle plans for the group in their spare time. He is a Jade Mountain stylist who enjoys the crushing dominance his strength and size affords him in grappling combat.

Peleps Damane, Chosen of Hesiesh

Unusual for a Peleps, Damane is a Fire Aspect froma predominantly Water-Aspected House. That, combined with politics and a resistance to instruction led to him being disowned in a similar way to Nerya, except that unlike Nerya, he was never summoned back into his family's good graces. He seems to have taken it in stride, however, judging from the way he makes eyes at the cute girls and boys the Brotherhood encounters in their journeys. He's given to bouts of melodrama and overacting, yet he somehow manages to pull it all off without being too annoying.

Damane favors a swashbuckling demeanor with his prized Chiaroscuran glass rapier, The Final Word. He is also a consummate social operator, swimming through the shark-infested waters of high society like the alpha predator.

The Black Raven, Chosen of Daana'd

Silent, sultry and vigilant, Dereth and a former catburglar before she met Nerya, The Black Raven was the scourge of merchants up and down the Yanaze before Nerya and company apprehended her. Rather than turn her in, however, they had a few hours of vigorous and meaningful investigation before Nerya decided to adopt the very satisfying Raven instead. She retains the skills of her past trade, though she has demonstrated a talent for book-keeping and accountancy which suggests that she's more than the master criminal she claims to have been.

Raven is the other martial artist of the group besides Nerya, and their dirty tricks specialist. She moves in the criminal underworld like she was born there... and she might well have been. She and Damane have a teasing, playful relationship which usually devolves into a prank war every now and then. A good dose of rumpty sets everything straight, however... at least until the next time.

Genesa ("Jessa"), Chosen of Sextes Jylis

A middleaged woman with a melancholic demeanour, Genesa was once a field medic to the Lookshyan field forces who had entered a bout of suicidal depression after a particularly brutal conflict left every man of her unit dead except her. Nerya and the others found her, and sensing the desperate cry for help under her catatonic exterior, spent a season talking to and encouraging her until Genesa finally remembered that the people who died could not be saved, but the people who might die could still be saved through her medical skills. However, she had no intention of patching up wounded men so they could do their best to get themselves killed... so she decided to stay with the brotherhood, whose journeys took them to places where the healing hands of the Wood Dragon would be more keenly felt than on the battlefield. She dislikes the fact that they have to make war... but she understands that it is sometimes necessary, and she trusts Nerya not to fight unnecessary battles.

She is very much the mother of the group, taking care of their injuries and guiding them through difficult spots. Ever since Nerya and the brotherhood restored her faith in herself and humanity, she seems to have become a bottomless font of inspiration and succor, giving selflessly of her time and energy to make a difference in the lives of the needy the brotherhood meets.