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Combat style[edit]

  • Rothar's General Fighting Style
  • If he has a chance, he will toss off his javelin at an incoming foe.
  • He would then get shield and sword ready to bear. (NOTE: Not currently carrying shield, he will parry with sword.)
  • Bladesharp 2 if a significant foe, or we're significantly outnumbered.
  • Concentrate on double-teaming opponents, so as to reduce the enemy's numbers as quickly as possible. Does not like the group to become scattered, prefers to remain close.


  • Description:

Rothar is a big man, 6'2" and well-built. He has a hawk nose, strong jaw and high cheekbones. He is beardless, and wears his hair in a long braid or loose. He is dark, well-tanned and has deep dark eyes. He has a good smile and a good personality. His clothes and gear are of decent quality, with details that mark their origin in Prax. He has a small bronze earring in his left ear, and wears decorative bronze armbands as well. He favors a leather vest, knee-high boots and a loin cloth when not armored for battle. He has his runes for spells carved into his equipment.

  • History:

Rothar has two sisters back with his tribe. His father Garr was a hunter, but that wasn't good enough for Rothar. He wasn't content with that lot, preferring to try his skills against foes that can fight back. After a particularly vicious battle against baboon raiders, he was given the moniker "Foe Smiter" by his tribesmen. He befriended the tribe's shaman, Ikinah, and has an interest in spirit magic. His father Garr was eventually killed in a skirmish by rhino riders, leaving his wife and daughters alone. For Rothar had already left the tribe, on an extended sanctioned absence. The tribe knows that they have the makings of a hero in Rothar, and hope that he will return some day to make them great.

Rothar's been on a few "adventures" with more experienced warriors, fighting broo and exploring ruins. Rothar was involved in the uprising at Moonbroth, as he has a great hatred for the Lunars and their occupation. He was forced to flee into Sartar to escape reprisal, killing a looter and stealing winter clothes from him. Now the small band of rebels have split up, in order to increase their chances of blending in.

Upon arriving in the vicinity of Apple Lane, Rothar decided to leave his bison with a nearby farmer, and head into town. (Even the proud nomad knew the bison would identify him as one of the rebels.) The extra gear normally carried on his mount is hidden nearby. It's time for a new plan, but the warrior is pessimistic about his options. And the coming winter hasn't made him much happier.

  • Mount:

War Bison – "Storm" -- Riding gear, lance, two javelins, snares, torches, tent, warm weather clothes.

Character Details[edit]

  • Name: Rothar Foe-Smiter
  • Race: Human
  • Cults:-Waha
    • Rune Level:
    • Initiate: Waha
    • Lay Member: Yallabaloo
  • Social Condition: Praxian Nomad
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 21
  • Previous Experience: Mounted Barbarian


Str: 16, Con: 16, Siz: 13, Int: 9, Pow: 15^, Dex: 17:, Cha: 10.

  • Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
  • Hit Point Bonus/minus: +1HPs
  • Encumbrance limit: -- Enc.

Skill Groups[edit]

  • Knowledge: +--%
    • Evaluate (5%): 5%
    • Read/Write Praxian (10%): 10%
    • First Aid (5) 25%^
    • World Lore (5%) 40%^
    • Undead Lore (0%) 5%
    • Sailing (0%) 5%

  • Manipulation: +10%
    • Climb (15) 40%^
    • Conceal item (10) 20%
    • Dodge (dex x 2%): 54%^
    • Jump (15%): 40%
    • Throw (15%): 25%^
    • Map Making (10) 20%
    • Ride (5) 80%
    • Swim (15) 25%
    • Set Disarm trap (5) 15%
    • Dance (0) 0+10%^

  • Perception: +0%
    • Listen (25): 35%^
    • Spot Hidden items(5): 60%^
    • Spot Trap (5): 30%
    • Track(10) 60%

  • Stealth: +5%
    • Camouflage (10%): 30%
    • Hide (5%): 35%
    • Move quietly (5%): 70%^ -5% from armour
    • Pick Pocket (5) 10%

  • Communication: +0%
    • Bargain (10%): 10%
    • Orate (0%): 35%
    • Sing (5%): 5%
    • Speak Praxian. (Int x 5) 60%
    • Speak Tradetalk 40%
    • Speak Darktongue 15%
    • Speak Newtling 5%
    • Speak Votank 5%
    • Smooth Talking/Dispensing Wisdom (0%): ^

Hit Points and Armour[edit]

Location Name Armour types H.P. A.P. Enc. Location
Head (Alt) "Arkati" Helm + Leather Hood 6 14 0 19-20
Head Composite Helm + Leather Hood 6 6 0 19-20
Left Arm Leather and Cuirboilli 5 6 0 16-18
Right Arm Leather and Cuirboilli 5 6 0 13-15
Chest Leather Byrnie + Linen Hauberk 7 7 0 12
Abdomen Leather Byrnie + Linen Hauberk 6 7 0 09-11
Left Leg Leather pants + Cuirboilli Greaves 6 7 0 05-08
Right Leg Leather pants + Cuirboilli Greaves 6 7 0 01-04
    • +2 natural armour
  • Total Hit Points: 17 HP

Weapons and Shields[edit]

  • Attack Bonus/Minus: +10%
  • Parry Bonus/Minus: +10%
  • Strike Ranks: Siz:(2)+Dex:(1)=3
  • Using two swords: SR 5/10, off-hand % is 1/2 main %
Weapon/Shield Name Damage S.R. A.P. Attack % Parry % Range Enc.
Broadsword "Arkati" RH 3d4+2 5 25 70^ 70^ - .75
Broadsword "Arkati" LH 3d4+2 10 25 35^ 35 - .75
Broadsword standard 1d8+1+1d4 5 20 70^ 70^ - 1
javelin 1d10+1d2 3 10 40 30 - 2
Lance 1d10+1 3 20 30 30 - 3
1-Hand Spear (Lance on foot) 1d8+1 4 20 25 25 - 3
Dagger 2d4+2 7 12 15 15 - -
Med Shield 12 15 20 - 2
Fist 1d3+1d4 7 arm 45 35 0 0
Kick 1d6+1d4 7 leg 45 -- 0 0
Head Butt 2d4 7 head 30 -- 0 0
Grapple Special 7 special 40 35 0 0


  • Heroquest
    • +2 natural armour
    • +1 CHA
    • +2 CHA to Newtlings once they learn what he's done for the Newtlings.
    • Mundane plane Rothar can never be ambushed by Rock lizards, as he can sense their presence.
  • Hill of Gold
    • Summon Spirit of Law reusable. A shrine of Waha must be visited to regain. USED
  • Longtooth Clan
    • Shield reusable. A shrine of Waha must be visited to regain. USED
  • Funeral Rite for Orendal
    • Due to the respect paid Orendal, Rothar will never get a hostile reaction from Uroxi. The worst would be neutral.
  • Power:-
    • Current Characteristic POW: 15
    • Current Available POW: 15
    • Current Stored POW: 7 of possible 7 Pow Crystal
  • Spells in Effect:-


  • Buttercup
    • INT:5
    • POW: 10 out of 10 possible
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Two
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:
  • Spirit Three
    • INT:
    • POW:
    • Where Bound:

  • Battle Magic:
    • Healing 3
    • Disruption
    • Bladesharp 2
    • Detect Enemies
    • Protection 1
    • Farsee
    • Detect Silver (suppressed)
    • Repair (suppressed)

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue ,indigo, a final burst of violet. The ink a veritable rainbow makes its permanent mark and is done. Tattoo on chest over heart: Whilst in the Rainbow Mound the spell is constantly working ...powered by something beyond your ken. Outside it will require 1 pow pt for half an hour's warmth. It keeps you totally warm and comfortable in a bitter cold environment. It's best if clothes are still worn to make full use of its power. It also protects you from one point of cold damage, magical or mundane. It can be reversed so that it keeps you cool in a hot environment. The song is contained in the tattoo and activates with the 1pt pow.

  • Rune Magic:
    • Summon Spirit of Law (reusable) Makalla. USED.
    • Your law spirit is an ancient Durbaddi (Lion) spirit. Captured by Tada when he killed Basmol (Lion God), and then buried with Eiritha as one of many guardian spirits. Waha being her son, grants him as a boon to favoured worshippers.
    • Shield reusable. A shrine of Waha must be visited to regain. USED.


  • Weapons:
    • Two swords, matching pair. "Arkati." Damage 2d4+2.
    • Broadsword (not on person)
    • Two Javelins: one, "Old Gnarly," from Six Darts in a Tree (carried), extra javelin (not on person)
    • Dagger
    • Med Shield (not on person)
  • Other:
    • Adventurer's Pack
    • Armor (as above; old helm not on person, wearing "Arkati" helm)
    • Fire Starter
    • Winter clothes and boots (spare boots not on person)
    • Group-owned sack (holds lizard queen horn)
    • Needle from Elf Lord, @ Longtooth Clan. Once, Summon Nakasa, cannot control.
    • Shepherds stick. (not on person) A detect cattle matrix 1pt , detect enemies matrix 1pt and detect water matrix 1pt.
    • a coil of finely worked red leather... A belt, with a bronze buckle depicting a gate between two trees. Not made by any of the elder races, but by man. A fine gift, worthy to hang a scabbard or two....
    • A Dragonscale, gold inscriptions in Auld wyrmish. Big as a hand.
    • An obsidian figurine on cord, miniature copy of the plinth atop the Rainbow Mound.

You need to look at it whilst casting so as to activate the runes etched in it. There's a small hole in one end for a cord. It looks ancient and almost as if it was part of a greater piece of clay pottery. Edges are jagged as if it was knocked out of something. You can use the matrix to cast the spell on anyone. The matrix is a two point matrix, which knocks 4 points of POW off a spirit before combat commences.


It has 6 uses and you can breathe water for an undisclosed amount of time. The first time will be trial and error :) Six river pearls, braided together with human hair. The nomad knows that these pearls were a gift from the newtling peoples to their human allies in the dim past. A human priestess fashioned this bracelet using her own hair, symbolizing the friendship of the two races. This fellowship blessed the item, and it enables the human wearer to breath water as if it were air.

Reaching out to grasp the treasure, Rothar understands that his destiny is to forge an alliance between his two tribes, the nomads and the newtlings. He feels honor at the trust his ancestors, and those of the amphibians, have placed in him. He vows not to disappoint them.


The lead used here for armour and bits and bobs is the same as bronze, gold and silver coins. It has been enchanted or is a weak mix of metals and doesn't interfere with magic. You can place the disk on your skin. If you do it sticks there, painlessly, and it's a shimmer 4 matrix and when activated sends out a strange network of tattoos across your body, that wriggle, shimmer and generally confuses your opponent. It makes sense that it only works best if you have little in the way of clothing. It subtracts up to 20% from your attackers skill roll to hit due to the confusing tattoos. It costs up to 4 pow points and lasts 10 melee rounds. your natural armour would be in effect too.

  • Tin Cow Bell. Holds the family cow spirit Buttercup"
    • INT 5 POW 5/10.
    • Will direct the holder towards a lost cow. The pull gets stronger the nearer it gets.
    • Will Let of a loud CLANG at Milking time. 6am and at 6pm
    • Will Harmonize any cows or Bulls (read Bison too) in POW vs POW battle.
    • Assists in fertility rites in calving time.
    • Fills up with good quality milk (1L) for 1 magic point on request.
    • Classed as a magical weapon when smacking people. 1d6 damage. Fist skill or club which ever higher.
    • Allows you to bind spirits into cows
    • It's not a bound spirit as such, but if you attune with it, it will allow the use of its pow to fuel spells.
    • It can cast
    • Detect cow 1pt 40m
    • Bison skin cloak “Stinker’’, +15% to hide skill from Bison.
    • Bison skin boots “Hoofs” +10% move quietly when stalking Bison.
    • Javelin of the Bison “Old Gnarly”. Made from Bison bone +15% to hit Bison and +3 Damage vs Bison. It is perfectly weighted for you and its bone tip as hard as bronze.
  • Money:
    • Guilders (100)
  • Horn from lizard queen. (not on person) Ancient first age creature. Ancestor of rock lizards, any encountered will know this.
  • Mantis saddle and tack. (not on person)