Rouen Fien Rua

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Rouen Fien Rua[edit]


Class: Race: Alignment: Deity:
Psion (Shaper) Elan CN Divine Minds
Level: Size: Age: Gender:
4 M 22 Male
Height: Weight: Eyes: Hair:
5' 9" 157 lbs BrightBlue Long, Dark

STR 8 -1
DEX 14 +2
CON 13 +1
INT 16 +3
WSD 13 +1
CHA 10 +0
Hit Points
TOTAL wounds subdual
18 9 0
TOTAL dex other SPEED
+2 +2 0 30f
Armor Class
FINAL = base + armor + shield + dex + magic + other spell failure armor check penalty
16 10 4 0 2 0 0 0 0

Battle Scores
MELEE = base + str + magic + other
+1 +2 -1 0 0
RANGED = base + dex + magic + other
+4 +2 +2 0 0
Saving Throws
TOTAL = base + stat + magic + other
FORT +2 +1 +1 0 0
REFL +3 +1 +2 0 0
WILL +5 +4 +1 0 0


Weapon Bonus Damage Critical Range Weight Size Type Special
Quarterstaff +1 1d6-1 x2 - - M B
Light Crossbow +1 +5 1d8+1 19-20/x2 80ft - M P


Armor Type Bonus Penalty Max Dex % Failure Speed Weight Special
Chain Shirt Light +4 -2 +4 30ft

Feats & Special Abilities[edit]

Feat / Ability Description/Notes
Type Humanoid (Aberration)
Naturally Psionic +2 pp per day
Resistance As an immediate action, may spend 1PP to get +4 to saves for one round.
Resilience As an immediate action, may spend power points to reduce damage taken by 2 per power point spent.
Repletion May spend 1PP to eliminate the need to eat or drink for one day.
Psion Discipline Shaper - Bonus Class Skills (Bluff, Disguise, Use Psionic Device)
Boost Construct (Feat) Your astral constructs have one additional feature.
Overchannel (Feat) You may increase your manifester level by 1 at the cost of 1d8 damage.
Armour Prof (Light) (Feat) You may wear light armour without extra penalties.


Skill Name Ability Skill Mod = Ability Mod + Ranks + Other
Craft Int +6 +3 +3 +0
Concentration Con +8 +1 +7
Hide (Cross Class) Dex +4 +2 +2.5
Knowledge (Psionics) Int +10 +3 +7
Psicraft Int +6 +3 +3
Search (Cross Class) Int +5 +3 +2
Move Silently (Cross Class) Dex +5 +2 +3

Power List[edit]

Power Points per day = 25
Power Points remaining today = 25

 Save DCs:
1st Level = 14
2nd Level = 15
Name Level Ready? Count Cast Time Range Save Description/Effect
Astral Construct 1 no PP cost = 1.
Catfall 1 no PP Cost = 1
Energy Ray 1 no PP cost = 1.
Inertial Armour 1 no PP Cost = 1.
Minor Creation, Psionic 1 no PP Cost = 1.
Energy Push 2 no PP Cost = 3.
Knock, Psionic 2 no PP Cost = 3.
Psionic Repair Damage 2 no PP Cost = 3.
Tongues, Psionic 2 no PP Cost = 3.


Gear Location Weight Description/Special
Mundane Gear Backpack Lantern, Dagger, Waterskin




No Experience Assigned.


No Description Assigned.


No Personality Assigned.


To the people of the east, the Theocracy of Eladan is a complete unknown. Even the greatest sages of Erethol have heard only vague rumours of what goes on beyond the forbidding walls that surround what was the centre of psionic learning in Gavilan. The tales vary wildly with each teller, some speaking of a paradise ruled by living gods, where men roam the land freely without fear of bandit or monster and gifted seers manipulate the future through prophecy to ensure a time of unlimited prosperity. Others of a harsh totalitarian state, ruled by despotic aberrations dominating the minds of their human subjects and whose every whim is law.

Both stories likely contain grains of truth, but since the guardians of the wall are instructed to slay anyone approaching the walls of Eladan without question and reaching Eladan by boat requires journeying through the Bitter Sea, whose tainted waters are home to a kingdom of Aboleths and their aberrant slaves, little of the Great Theocracy is known.

Certainly it has been many centuries since Eladan sent out missionary-knights to convert those of the surrounding countries to worship of the Elan Prophet-Kings, either by the book or by the sword, and entered an unbroken period of isolationism. Indeed, the young Disciple of the Divine Form (or Psychic Warrior, as the few surviving Gavilan texts on psionics refer to them) is probably the second Eladine citizen to travel more than fifty yards from his countries’ borders in over a hundred years.

Ostensibly Rouen is a missionary charged with spreading the teachings of the Divine Mind and Form to the eastern barbarians, though even Rouen himself doesn’t give that lie much credit. The young noble will freely divulge that his real reason for being here concerns his family and the prophecies of his homeland, and ask if they have heard tell of another psychic from Eladan who bears close resemblance to him. Though anyone wanting to pry further would first have to earn his trust.