Ru's Ex3 system hack/Example Specialities
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A very partial list. The categories are not exclusive, merely illustrative.
"Things the Character is good at doing"
- Feat of strength
- Endurance
- Cover ground
- Dodge
- Join Battle
- Sleight of hand
- Persuade
- Seduce
- Intimidate
- Intrigue
- Disguise
- Politics
- Sorcery
- Occult
- Medecine
- Navigation
- Survival
"Tools the Character is particularly effective with"
- [Weapon]
"Things the Character knows a lot about"
- Demons
- [Country]
- [Faction]
"Special qualities the character has that advantage them in some way"
Care should be taken that these are not too broad. Work with the GM to define when they are apploicable.
- Attractive
- Noble - people behave well to the character in appropriate circumstances. If you want to exercise the power of your estate to get things done, that would be a Resource.
- Cunning