Running Sheet Fleece
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Father: Oberon
Mother: Disa-Primal Wolf
Children: Tender, Gagdia
Total: =435 Stats+290(350) Powers{c}+20 Skills+{c}+246 Items +50/50 allies/Enemies +5 Stuff +100 Shadows +35 Storage
Statistics {435}[edit]
- Psyche: 35
- Strength: 150
- Endurance: 150
- Warfare:100
Powers {290(350)}[edit]
- 70 Advanced Shapechange
- 90 Advanced Logrus
- 30 Advanced Sorcery
- 20 Conjuration
- 20 Power Words
- 20 Abyssal Scar-Abyssal Lord
- (50) Mark of Mandalay
- 5 Paragon
- (10) Alamond
- 5 Pócaí
- 10 Trasidy
- 20 Azcala
Skills {20}[edit]
Allies & Enemies {50/50 = 0}[edit]
50 various
50 various
Items {246}[edit]
- Signature weapon 50
Hounds of Mandalay {196}[edit]
- 4 Amber Vitality
- 4 Engine Speed
- 4 Endless Stamina
- 2 Armor Vs Guns
- 4 Deadly Damage
- 4 Tongues
- 8 Extraordinary Psyche
- 8 Chaos Immunity
- 4 Seek in Shadow
- 8 Extortionary Regeneration
- 2 N/N Forms: Wolf, Dog, Massive Wolf, tiny dog.
- 4 Ability-Immune to Multiple elemental/Abyssal attacks.-Fire, Acid, ice, Diamond Shards
- 4 Ability-Immune to Forced Shape change
- 4 Ability-Immune to Mental Control or manipulations.
- 2 Ability-Mental Bond/communication with pack
- 66
x3 Horde
- Total 196
Original Members-Leadership[edit]
- Swift, Ripper Scorched, Clipper, Dwarf
New Membership-Leadership[edit]
- Fang, Dunce, & Imp. This bonded trio always is seen together. They are mighty fighting creatures
Many Personal Shadows
- 5 Good Stuff
An ancient denizen of Chaos, leader of a hunter pack. At some point befriended Adrian. When Mandalay was creaeted he was present and bound himself and his pack to Ygg, Adrian, and Mandalay.