Running Sheet Tagaril
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- Walker Under the Stars
- Reader at Dasnir.
Total: = 88 Stats+ 22(15)Powers+ 26 Skills+ Items +(+3/3 allies/Enemies) + Shadows+2 Stuff + 0 Storage
Advancement upon PC creation[edit]
- 35 pips:
- psyche 3
- Strength: 14
- Endurance: 24
- Warfare: 27
Powers {22}(15)[edit]
- (5) Basic Imprint of the Squiggle of Pócaí
- 5 Pócaí Sorcery: 1 Major, 2 Minor, 20 Minor in offensive
- (Pocai has a form of Sorcery unlike regular sorcery. It is High Order but uses material components to seal spells)
- 5 Partial Sorcery
- 5 Partial Conjuration
- 5 Limited Partial Trump {Like a phone. No transport, no visual}
- (10) Limited Shapechange
- 2 Low order: Magery
Skills {26}[edit]
- 3 Languages
- 3 Memory
- 2 Wood Carving
- 3 Cold Weather Survival
- 2 Cooking and Animal Preparation
- 1 Wind instruments-Flute
- 3 Calligraphy & Letter writing
- 2 Copying
- 2 Art painting & Illumination
- Paint mixing
- 2 Glass Work. Mainly bottles. all sizes but mainly vials.
- 1 sheet glass
- 1 drinking glasses
- Glass Plates & Bowls
- 2 Animal Care
- 1 Leather work
- 1 Chess
- 1 Darts
Allies & Enemies {0/0 = 0}[edit]
Wooly Horse[edit]
A Heavy body horse with thick fur covering it. It is bad tempered to anyone except its bonded companion. In this case Tagaril.
Ice Iguana[edit]
An iguana that evolved in an icy land
Items {20}[edit]
The Bent Sword 40 pips[edit]
A warrior's blade. A craftsman's blade. A cook's blade. A confusing blade.
- 2 mobility. Sometimes clumbsy
- 4 deadly damage. Sometimes deadly 4, none -4, powerful 8, Flaming 4
- 2 Danger Sense. Always works right. Works in conjunction to cooking to not burn food
- 4 limited Shadow path after companion
- 8 Full Heal. 10 transfer
- 2 N/N. Bent Sword, Broken Bowie, Long Knife. Quarterstaff, pry bar, iron bar, Craft knife A-Whitiling knife, Craft Knife B-carving Knife, Craft Knife C-Exacto blade, Cooking Knife A-Chef's Carving knife, Cooking Knife B-paring knife, Cooking Knife C-Serrated bread knife, Cooking Knife D-Heavy Cleaver.
- 1 Ability: Returns to hand well.
- 1Ability: Chill to Freezing, heat to simmer, fire low, fire medium, fire high. This ability works reliably.
- 1 Ability: bonds to companion. Can not be loaned.
- 1 Ability: Plays music. Anything it's companion has had it on their person when they listened to to. scan create a point of origin for the music as companion moves on.
The Bent Sword is an ancient artifact of Pocai.
- 26 Points out at 40. Figure out more later
War Saddle 8[edit]
- 2 Danger Sense
- 1 Retain Rider in combat. Saddle illegal in jousts
- 1 Vs Weapons. 5 Transfer
- 2 Good Stuff
Born in the deep Haller of Gessa, Tagaril followed the path of the Long Walker. Along the way he transcribed books for the hablar collections becoming a reader memorizing over 200 books.