Ruperic Rumballad

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Dandy Minstrel (Human) Level - 1

VIR - 3

CER - 3

DIS - 4

ADR - 5

WHE - 3

SOC - 4

Flesh Wounds - 3

Provisions - 5

Wealth - 3

Save V.S Illusion/Confusion - 2

Save V.S Poison/Paralysis/Transmogrification - 1


Main - Evoke an Emotional Response - 4

Supporting - Performing before an Audience (Story & Song) - 3

Supporting - Memory for Detail (Myth & Legend) - 2

Supporting - Lover, not a Fighter! - 2

Supporting - Pantomimist - 3


Notched Short Sword - DR1

Brightly-coloured Padded Jerkin - DR1

Wailing Bagpipes - DR2

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