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SHADES’s a Corporate drone coder turned hacker when he was framed by a co-worker at Kamigawa Neurotechnics who wanted to cover up their tracks of stealing and selling data to the competition. SHADES had to leave overnight, not before taking a standard issue cubicle cyberdeck and valuable data to set him up for his new life as an operator. Now hiding in the urban maze of District 1, using his modded ‘deck for the occassional black op for former business acquaintances or system maintenance work for folk of his former home, an offhshore drift nation, he waits patiently for the opportunity to exact revenge…

Stats Attributes Score Modifiers Strength 11 +0 Dexterity 10 +0 Constitution 9 +0 Intelligence 6 14 +1 Wisdom 6+2 (Growth) +0 Charisma 14 +1 Attack Bonus +0 Skills: Administer-0 (Learning) Connect-0 (Learning) Program-1 (Coder+bonus skill) Sneak-0 (Many Faces) HP: 5 Edges Hacker Masterful Expertise Foci: Many Faces You have multiple usable identities registered with corporate and governmental databases. These identities are so deeply embedded in the systems that they’re almost impossible to pry out unless you do something to compromise them. Level 1: Gain Sneak as a bonus skill. You can maintain one alternate identity at a time per three character levels, rounded up. These identities have their own names, backgrounds, criminal records, financial dealings, and bank accounts, and will register as authentic to all normal corporate and governmental checks. If an identity is compromised or you want a different one, you can replace it with a week’s work. False identities cannot be important people or involve corporations you don’t have a Contact in already. Hacking setup (minimal mobile, modular, and utilitarian) Deck Costs Bonus Access Mem Shield CPU Enc PanadyneQD40 (Scrap deck) $500 1 8 5 2+1 1 Mods: Bespoke Code Optimization: Pick one Verb and one Subject when installing this mod [Delude +Device]; those utilities occupy no Memory and one instance of that Verb-Subject program doesn’t count against its CPU burden. 20% of deck cost (=$100) CPU Overclocking: CPU+1. 30% of deck cost (=$150). Progams (local Fixer supplies programs in exchange for hack work) Subject Type Cyber Cyber Door Device Program Program Camera (bespoke) Device Verb Target Types Access Cost Modifier Use Glitch Device/Cyber 0 +2 Briefly deactivate a device or cyber Analyze Device/Data 0* +1 Identify a target device or a file’s topic Decrypt Data 1* +0 Decrypt a file or radio transmission Sabotage Device/Cyber 1* -1 Make the target damage itself Terminate Program 1* +0 Forcibly end an unwanted program Delude (bespoke) Device 1 -1 Spoof a device with false sensor input

  • These verbs are self-terminating, and return their CPU slot immediately after the program is run.

Gear Knife (switchblade) Reinforced Clothing Smartphone, basic Goggles, IR (big ticket item, modded to display simple messages) $90in cash Apperance: late 20s; lean and lanky, winning smile (sometimes twitching), wears way too large goggles, hiding twitching eyes; bulky backpack, 2nd hand punkwear to blend in (had to ditch corpo uniform quickly) Goal: Wants revenge against coworker (Set them up for a crime or other transgression they didn't commit, sth worse than if the corp found out they stole from them) Background: Origin: A drift nation (a floating offshore city) somewhere in the Atlantic of poor sea nomad upbringing, worked his ass off to get a job in the corp inheritor of a family debt Personality: Values most: his integrity Most valued person: himself and his coding skills When calm, overconfident. When stressed, becomes calculating. Learned to depend on his own, other people seem untrustworthy Eats too much kibble. Most valued possessions: modded goggles, vintage synthesizer Contacts: Kaitlyn “Judgment Day” Foy (Acquaintance) Overview: antisocial freelance hackerWhat Can They Do For You: Sell you specialized or unique programs Social Circle: Street people, gangs, and criminal typesWhat Do They Get: childhood friend (hailing from the same drift nation) How Did You First Meet Them: Introduced by a mutual friendStart of Relationship: Once worked together on a heist or crime How Well Do You Know Them: go back a long time togetherLast Interaction: A minor argument over different ideals Appearance Trait: day-glo neon hair, always a pair of uppers close to hand Conversation Habits: makes comments about SHADES’ goggles Yoshi Nakamura (Acquaintance) Overview: Thrill-seeking corp scionWhat Can They Do For You: Get you an inside line on Kamigawa Neurotechnics Social Circle: Corpers and other “respectable people”What Do They Get: They like to brag about hanging out with operators How Did You First Meet Them: Former employerStart of Relationship: Disposed of blackmail material for them (erased video footage of a (very) hard night partying) How Well Do You Know Them: since the last three years SHADES worked at Kamigawa (joined at same time)Last Interaction: A wild carouse from a shared payday (that was SHADES’ last) Appearance Trait: geled back hair, corpo suit, gold chain (thinks it makes him look badass)Conversation Habits: wants to hear about SHADES’ operator missions