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Episode 1.2

So this is Livewire's spotlight episode, in which he deals with his Issue of proving himself. BlackSheep has suggested a general plot outline, which I like, in the OOC thread, and I think the fallout from last episode's accusations should be part of the proving thing as well, although Joe plays a much smaller role here. I just thought I'd open this page for general thoughts and suggestions about the episode, including suggestions for a title. -- James Holloway 07:58, 16 December 2005 (PST)

My thought for a title was Sins of the Father. But other suggestions would be welcome. BlackSheep 09:08, 16 December 2005 (PST)

We seem to be in agreement that we shouldn't pre-play the episode, so other than the title thing (I like the title ... my suggestion was going to be "Your Mum and Dad," but the reference is probably a little too obscure and British) this is going to be the page for kibbitzing scene one when we find out what it is. -- James Holloway 12:01, 16 December 2005 (PST)

Draft for tying up the current scene. BlackSheep 12:28, 21 December 2005 (PST)

Quick cut to the principal setting down an empty coffee mug.

PRINCIPAL: Anyway, it's been a pleasure talking to you, Mister Morris, and I hope to see you again soon.

GUNSLINGER: Oh, you will.

PRINCIPAL: Right now, though, we really must be going.

GUNSLINGER: Let me get my coat and I'll walk you down. I need to pick up some groceries. Joel, I'm sure you have some studying to do...

JOEL: Actually, sir, could I have a quick word before you go?

GUNSLINGER: Of course.

PRINCIPAL: We'll wait in the hall.

Once the door shuts, Joel rounds on Gunslinger angrily.

GUNSLINGER: Nice people.

JOEL: Drop the act. I want to know what you're up to.

GUNSLINGER: I'm sure you do. Unfortunately, one of the things you'll learn as you get older is that we don't always get what we want.

JOEL: Listen, you-

GUNSLINGER: No, [i]you[/i] listen to [i]me[/i].

Suddenly the pleasant demeanour is gone. His voice is quiet but cold.

GUNSLINGER: You ruined my life, you little brat. Give me a reason, and I can ruin yours. Do you want everyone to know who you are? Where you live? Who you hang out with?


GUNSLINGER: Then you don't get to make demands of me. Now get out of my way.

Joel keeps his gaze steady for a long moment, then breaks and steps aside.


Coat over his arm, he walks out. Joel closes and bolts the door, then leans back on it, fists clenched helplessly.