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OK, here's what we know about the current scene:

Joe fails -> Gunslinger is on to him
Amy succeeds -> she comes out of this looking like she did the right thing, whatever that was
Milka succeeds -> she uses her powers wisely.

For Joe -- I think there are two ways to flub it for Joe: the "Gunslinger is a hardass" way and the "Joe is a clumsy doofus" way. Either is fine. Basically, the first is that when Joe says "how can I help you?" Gunslinger says something like "well, for starters you can calmly walk over to join your little friends, Fearless Joe." Being a cunning fellow, Gunslinger knows more than he lets on. The second is a little less threatening; we've already established that Joe isn't really in full control of his powers. He can't really choose to activate them or anything; he's just really, really strong and tough. So he might reflexively do something that betrays his power. I dunno. -- James Holloway 11:57, 10 March 2006 (PST)