Spider-Man PL 15
(231pp); Init +14; Spd 50ft (Run), 50ft (Leap), 50ft (Climb), 100ft (Swing); Defense 29 (12 Dex, 2 Super Speed, 4 Base, 1 Dodge); BAB +5; Atk Melee +9 (9S Punch) +9 Ranged (Rank 10 Snare); SV Dmg +5, Fort +5, Ref +14, Will +2; Str 18, Dex 20, Con 20, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 14 (Total 67PP)
Skills: Acrobatics 2/+14, Bluff 2/+2, Computers 2/+7, Craft: Chemistry 2/+7, Hide 1/+13, Listen 5/+7, Move Silently 1/+13, Repair 2/+7, Science [Chemistry 2/+7, Genetics 4/+9, Mathematics 2/+7, Physics 2/+7], Spot 5/+7, Search 4/+9, Taunt 8/+10 (Total 22PP)
Feats: Ambidexterity, Attack Focus: Unarmed, Connected, Dodge, Evasion, Expertise, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Heroic Surge, Fame, Indomitable Will, Move-By Attack, Photographic Memory (Flaw: Device), Power Attack, Takedown Attack, Rapid Healing, Rapid Strike, Surprise Strike (Total 35PP)
Powers: Spider-Gadgets [Gadgets +6 (Source: Super Science, Cost 1pp/Rank) Total 6pp], Spider-Sense [Danger Sense +5 (Source: Mutation, Extra: Combat Sense, Leaping; Power Stunt: Clinging, Range x3, Cost 4pp/rank+8pp) Total 28pp]; Spider-Speed [Super Speed +2 (Source: Mutation, Extra: Super-Dexterity, Cost 9pp/Rank) Total 18pp]; Spider-Strength [Super Strength +5 (Source: Mutation, Extras: Super-Dexterity, Cost 7pp/Rank) Total 35pp]; Web-Shooters [Snare +10 (Source: Super Science, Extra: Swinging, Flaw: Device, Cost 2pp/Rank) Total 20pp]; (Total 107PP)
Notes: I'm tempted to tack the Unlucky flaw onto Spidey here. You can if you want. I was kind of iffy about giving him so much Super-Dexterity, but I think, in the Marvel World, the only people on par with Spidey's dexterous nature are Nightcrawler and maybe Beast. Even Captain America isn't quite as good. Also, I will note that he does have a high PL, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. Captain America is PL 17, Iron Man is 15, so Spider-Man, a star character, should be around the same area. I put his strength a bit lower than Green Goblins, and he's got 7 HP to burn. When using him, don't hesitate to Extra Effort for another rank in Spider-Speed or for that extra two points so he can lift that train car from the trapped folks. His intelligence, I also note, is the max for a normal human (aside from the super-genius kind), and I figure that's about right. Peter is very intelligent and can follow along for a lot of things, but he's not defining the anti-physics of the Negative Zone - he's getting headaches trying to follow papers about it. I came back and fixed a few things (dropped Spider-Strength down a rank, fixed Spider-Sense, added gadgets).