SPOILER: Character Briefs

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male DC Political Aid, the ORIGINAL basically Josh from the West Wing. I asked that he pick a Senator/Congressman from around 2000, since the players don't know they'll be beginning the campaing on 9-11-01. He'll be picking a REAL politician and part of the run will be figuring out where that poltician is NOW when they wake up from the 5 year comas that give them their powers! He will find himself the face of the Godlike. The power within him will extend his size and power - giving him another growth spurt as he pushes up to 7' tall 350 lbs. Literally able to leap tall buildings in a single bound this appears as flight - able to remain aloft for more than 5 minutes and hundreds of miles at a time, in fact orbit is not out of the question and once there he will learn he has light speed capability! Perhaps outwardly one of the strongest of the Godlike his power is derived from his slight control on gravity with the ability to use it to form energy shields at a whim. And he is always the equal to all in the room with a unique ability to hone in on any skill any other in range has and mimic it precisely. He has little to fear from the world unless they discover his greatest weakness (that he doesn't even know...) the metal material from the plane in which the Godlike crashed is the only substance able to break through his power! He's growing... His clothes don't fit right. But he has a new bounce in his step as though he's been training and working out. In trouble situations his Force Field effect will trigger. He finds that he has unbelievable skill but soon they go away (when near source to mimic or not). He will be bombarded by sight and sound - able to see through anything (including his eyelids!) and hearing on a higher frequency (and hearing radio frequencies) he will be unable to sleep unless issolated. And he's suddenly amazingly strong for a guy his size!


female NYC Fire Fighter, the ENERGY CONTROLLER similar with the timeline problem above she wanted to have been involved at the North Tower WTC on 9-11. I asked that none of the players attach any background to historical events like this. So this means that she'll be on a plane that morning and ALL of her friends and peers will be at the North Tower! setting up what happens when she learns some of her unit were lost... Her body is formed of organic iron - cold to the touch, it acts as a blaze furnace to the power she can absorb/build inside. Her power is also her weakness as she cannot feel slight touch of others on her skin. Her body is built to absorb fire/heat energy, collecting and redirecting it as a flame breath. With limited fire/heat control she can actually see the molecular level of combustion and has a strange connection to fires allowing her to view any major blaze in the world. Fire needs oxygen and it is this power that is her base with control over the air and winds themselves giving her various abilities from snaring cyclones to wind blasts, flight and minor weather control. But water is now her weakness. She can't feel human touch a constant numb across he skin as it becomes harder and harder. She is constantly cold needing heat/fire. Her eyes will strain and hurt as she adjusts to seeing on micro-levels. Her mood changes the weather! She just knows where fires are and dreams of burning alive, when actually she's seeing REAL fires across the world and seeing the people in trouble but not realizing they're real. Water/Liquids with water burn her and at the same time make her feel colder. Her weight triples!


male urban explorer politician's son, the CREATOR he wanted to be an offshoot of extreme sports person... A real group of folks called Urban Explorers that are the people who illegally climb skyscrapers or sneak into underground tunnels, subways, etc... places you're not allowed to go/do in cities. He also wanted to be the son of a politician, a trust fund kid. Keeping his mother's maiden name he wants this bit secret from the other players. similar to the politician above he's picked a politician for his father - after chatting about it I think he's sticking with Ted Kennedy!! At first seeming the weaker, he will discover that he has one of the strongest abilites known to the Godlike - the ability to control their power! Neutralizing or even ripping a Godlike person from their very body! His own body (one of the only "materials" that can halt the power) will slowly begin to reject his psyche/power pushing him into an Astral form. He will find a new "home" using his secondary power to control machines. At first with the ability to create armor around his body then later perhaps needing to construct a full golem for himself from metal and plastic. His abilities are loud, bright and obvious but given time he'll be able to use this dazzling effect. With his connection to computers he will learn to upload his psyche/power and transfer anywhere in the world, or perhaps above it on space station! His body will not transfer but he can always construct another while in Astral form His body feels uncomfortable to him, as though he's gained 40 pounds in a couple days... He will be able to see imagery in symbollic illusions around other people with Godlike abilities. Machines (such as his toaster and car) start to "talk" to him. All things machine begin to work good for him - p lights change perfectly, taxis move on their own to him, he can use the tv without a remote, coffee is always made on time. He will find his "sanctuary" (HQ) that's actually a forgotten sub-basement office floor type facility beneath downtown DC. He can hear radios, music and police frequencies. When he sleeps he "turns off" (trance) and his parents/friends might think he's dead!


male ex-military now chef manager, the SPEEDSTER he's the boarderline nut... He wants to play the guy that has problem with authority, got kicked out of the military for attacking his superior officer. He then moved into an apartment owned by his ex-military father, and worked his way up in a job first as a chef and now the manager of a restaurant. He was in Desert Storm and developed DS Syndrome, also exposed to radioactive material and now has cancer... He was diagnosed with schitozophreian and now if required to attend councilling. He also (a little insane) had been going out in the real world (PRE-Powers) and started to be a vigilantee, stopping muggings, etc!! Impossible to catch he will believe his power is over speed when in reality it's based on subtle time control. He is by far the best combatant of this Godlike group with either a hail of punches or sonic booms. Although he will learn this is dangerous, he is actually faster than his body can handle - with no inherent protection from the friction of highspeeds... His speed is so inherent that he will accidentally learn he can shift into multiple versions of himself and with a catalyst he can effectively self destruct, exploding and entering the Astral plane - to great destruction on those around him but able to reform as desired. His speed is dizzying giving him the ability to spin and push his way into the sky in a slow flight. But if nessessary he can move so fast it appears as he's teleporting up to 620 miles at a time. His time with the military has made him prone to gulf war syndrome. But he'll have plenty of time for that as he needs to eat at least his weight in foods every 10 hours. Growing more and more hungry with passing days he must eat his weight in food every 10 hours. His duplicates do stuff when he's asleep in bed and with the mindlink he experiences it all as a dream, when "waking" it's as though he never went to bed. He speed... hurts, with no friction resistance. When he takes time to slow down and not use his powers he actually is tired (fatigued) and can only avoid it by continuing to move with power. He's always there before he knows it - never having time to relax or prepare before arriving anywhere. He's constantly very jittery.


male Israeli Medical Doctor, the DRAIN/CONTROLLER born in US moved to Israel to aid relief efforts. One big plot hook for him eventually will be the Israeli government wishing him back for his powers! His abilities are of death, weakening and control. Drain and destroy, his touch is painful to any coming in contact with him try as he might he can't stop it. His mental powers continue this theme of dread in controlling the very minds of others through telepathy and psychic sedation. With limited telekinesis he has the ability to fly and protect minor fields of protection. And if all this weren't enough he's addicted to his own powers, and must use them as a drug. Due to his death presence and his painful touch people start avoiding him. His drain abilities will effect those he spends time with over a long period giving them a new form of cancer (but that's years away), in the meantime anyone near him may be more prone to colds, etc... making them weak. Walking through crowds he will hear constant whispering (telepathy). If he asks/demands anything of anyone they'll immediately drop everything and obey his wishes (Mind Control). All of a suddent he can understand those spanish soapoperas... He can sense death in the air and will break down at hospitals or accident scenes at first. His medical knowledge has jumped beyond his capability. He will feel fatigued and wasted if not actively using his powers.