SPOILER: disease factor
Information could be 'leaked' to the media (an ally of course, might as well make buddy Rupert even richer) that the 283 were exposed to a bio-weapon as part of the terrorist plot, and that Celera scientists have been trying to find a cure, and of necessity keeping them in isolation until they could verify that these survivors were safe. All sorts of trumped up fantasy tales of Celera employees who've worked in the labs coming to bad ends as a result of infections and mystery ailments could be subtly spread, using any Celera employee who has died in the last few years of *any* causes as 'proof' of the 'massive cover-up' of the 'danger' that these survivors pose to the world, and that freeing them from quarantine would in fact achieve the terrorists goals of exposing US citizens to this 'adaptive mutagenic viral strain,' that is so far combatting all known means of cure. A few fuzzy pictures of survivors or Celera employees doctored to look like they are suffering plague effects, or grotesque deformities will surface, and within hours be mysteriously taken down (long enough for thousands of copies to pop up on mirror sites).
Celera would let the information percolate for a few days before holding an emergency press conference vociferously *denying everything* and assuring everyone that the survivors pose no threat at all to the citizenry, and were only being held for their own safety during their medically inexplicable comatose state. Lots of data will be presented about how unprecedented and unknown and unindentified the medical cases are, to futher provoke fear of the unknown. "How can they *know* the survivors are safe if they don't even know what made them go into comas in the first place?"
Panic ensues. The 283 suddenly find it safer to remain in 'protective custody' than be reunited with their families, and risk being lynched by their own neighbors. Communities of some of the families might band together and attempt to push through legislation forbidding their former neighbor from coming back to infect their children. Leases will abruptly be terminated, citing the danger to other leaseholders on the properties. Jobs that would have been available will suddenly dry up, as fear among the other workers prevent old employers from taking back former employees. Relatives might explain (either tearfully, or through restraining orders) that they can't take the risk that the children could be exposed, and ask their 'returned' husbands, wives, loved ones to stay away, for everyone's safety...
A routine check up is given and everyone passes with flying colors. Three days later one of the 283 dies, mysteriously, in the middle of the night. The death is not covered up however, not to those on the inside, the remaining 282 are assured that they are all fine and that there was no danger. Mr. Robinson (to use a name) mearly had a heart attack in his sleep and all is well, it was a tragedy but we all can move on. Two days pass and nothing unusual happens... Then the doctors on staff announce that each of the remaining 282 need a check up... Immedeatly... This is rather odd because they just had one five days ago... They are all assured that everything is fine of course... While when looking over medical charts the 282 occassionally notice one of the nurses reads the chart, winces, and casts a sympathetic glance at the person who's chart they just read. Three more days pass, then the news leaks out to the outside world that one of the 283 has died of mysterious causes... Speculation abounds...
The govornment denies anything out of the ordinary of course...
Meanwhile on the inside some of the 282 start getting strange stomach cramps... The doctors repeatedly tell them that nothing is wrong... simply saying that it is stress...
The Gov. then announces that they are about to release the 282 back to the public when a MASSIVE outcry occurs stating that inside sources are saying that the 282 are starting to suffer from strange unexplained symptoms...
They are forced to keep the 282 under observation...
What is really going on?
Mr. Robinson was poisoned... Yes... He was killed by Celera. They leaked the news and set up the strange check ups on purpose. The stomach cramps are simply caused by some spoiled ingredients in the food, not much, just enough so that some people would experience discomfort. If someone discovers what is causing it then Celera has nothing to fear, they had a bad batch of peppers, it happens. It was such a small ammount that the doctors couldn't find it. There could be a big problem if Mr. Robinson's murder is discovered however if so then it was the work of one fanatic who was convinced that the 283 were demons or some such... Tragic... But nothing that links it to the govornment.
Oooooooohhh, this is just delicious!
I love the conspiracy and paranoia, and I recommend one of the '283' tire of all this crap and snap, unleashing their powers on the doctors, nurses, guards, etc, and making a break for it. This, in turn, sways public sentiment heavily against the '283', since theyre obviously so dangerous, and the government puts them under guard, until they are forced to fight their way out. There would be no other option for them anymore; they'd never be released voluntarily now, and the government and Celera have the perfect excuse to keep them in cages for study and expirementation.