SP Silver Tiger
Silver Tiger[edit]
Hero Points 120
Movement Primary: 30 Secondary::
Current Conditions
File:Template.jpg (Comment: As set up, this requires that the picture be uploaded to the Wiki. Replace Template with the name of the picture)
Personal Info[edit]
Physical Description
5'11, male, Japanese. Black hair typically kept in a long braid and yellow, feline eyes. Athletic and powerfully built, displaying a visible aura when regenerating from wounds.
The World's Greatest Martial Artist.
Career / Daytime Activities
You mean "wandering kung fu hero" doesn't pay well?
5 Str (10 Pts)
3 Agl (6 Pts)
8 Fgt (18 Pts)
4 Sta (8 Pts)
4 Awe (8 Pts)
1 Int (2 Pts)
0 Pre (0 Pts)
Characteristics Total: 54
Attack Name Attack Bonus Attack DC Notes
Pressure Point Strike +10 16 Weaken Stamina Kung Fu +10 16 Damage, Alt power
3 Dodge Base 3 + Purchase 0 (0 Pts)
8 Parry Base 8 + Purchase 0 (0 Pts)
4 Fortitude Base 4 + Purchase 0 (xy Pts)
4 Toughness Base 4 + Powers/Adv/Equip 4
4 Will Base 4 + Purchase 0 (0 Pts)
Defenses Total: 0
Agile Feint Feint with Acrobatics
All-Out Attack Trade defenses for attack bonus, -/+5
Assessment Roll Insight, get info.
Benefit (Wealth) I'm rich, biatch!
Close Attack 2 Add ranks to close-combat attack bonus
Defensive Roll 4 Add ranks to Toughness if you can dodge
Evasion 2 Bonus to avoid area attacks
Fearless What it says on the tin
Great Endurance Bonus to resist environmental effects
Improved Initiative 2 Exactly what it says on the tin
Improved Trip When tripping, pick whether the enemy uses str or dex.
Instant Up Get up from prone, free action.
Languages 3 (English, Chinese, Portuguese, Thai)
Move-By Action Use part of your movement before and after an action.
Power Attack Trade attack bonus for damage.
Redirect When tricking an enemy, make them hit another enemy.
Takedown 2 Keep smacking minions until you miss, moving as needed
Uncanny Dodge Not Vulnerable when surprised.
Advantages Total: 27
(Please list all skills in the following format)
Total Skill Base + Ranks
Acrobatics: 11 3 8
Athletics: 13 5 8
Insight: 14 4 10
Perception: 12 4 8
Treatment: 5 1 4
Skills Total: 19
Rank Power Name Base Power Extras, including per rank or flat cost Flaws, Including Per Rank or Flat modifier 6 Pressure Points Weaken Stamina
4A Kung Fu! Damage Strength Based
1 Counterattack Damage Strength-based, Reaction (attacked in melee) Attack Check Required.
5 Regeneration Regeneration Permanent
3 Immunity Immunity Aging, disease, poison
2 Senses Senses Accurate Hearing
Powers Total: 20
(Please list all complications here.)
Starting PL: 8
Earned PPs:
Spent PPS:
Character Math
Characteristics Total 54
+ Defenses Total 0
+ Advantages Total 27
+ Skills Total 19
+ Powers Total 20
= Total Points 120