STMAG Leshee
Name: Leshee
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Ship's Councelor
Species: Vorta
High Concept: Chirpy Vorta Councelor
Trouble: Outsider Nosing In
Other Aspects
Vorta physiology (sharp ears, weak eyes, poison resistance, no sense of aesthetics)
What would the Founders do?
Servitude with a Smile
What they want to hear: +2 to overcome diplomatically
Hey, what about that time when: +2 to use Specialty to create an advantage for someone by reminding them of something useful
+3: Diplomatic
+2: Specialty, Dynamic
+1: Aboard, Scientific
+0: Away
A young and impressionable Vorta designed for a new century, Leshee is on board the ship as part of a Federation-Dominion officer exchange program meant to further cultural understanding and closer relations. He believes strongly in his mission, the wisdom of the Founders, and that there is really no need for anyone to fight if everyone can just be reasonable and remain open-minded on subjects like who is and is not maintaining fanatical slave-armies of genetically engineered supersoldiers to brutally suppress rebellions. Not everyone on board is comfortable with his presence, but Leshee came expecting a certain amount of adversity, and is sure that they'll come around if he just keeps smiling and being friendly. While he is probably overoptimistic there, at least some crewmembers will grudgingly admit that he's committed to his work and does not shy from hard or dangerous tasks, and that he does in fact have some useful insights to offer when it comes to negotiation and crew morale.