ST Phobos/KirkDefense

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Kirk Defense, The[edit]

This is the name given to the maneuver used by Captain James T. Kirk of the USS Enterprise to defeat a Doomsday Machine on Stardate 4202. This maneuver prescribes tactical doctrine for Starfleet Commanders faced with a similar situation.

The Kirk Defense calls for the use of two vessels, starship class at the least. One ship is used strictly as a command and recovery vessel. The other ship, stripped of all crew members and rigged for fusion-triggerred engine of self-destruction, is to be piloted so that it is caught in the Doomsday Machine's tractor beam and pulled into the weapon's interior. The destruct sequence is completed at this time, and the ship detonates. Vital non-neutronium components within the Doomsday Machine are consumed by this blast, deactivating the weapon.

The Kirk Defense was proven to work by the detonation of the engines of the USS Constellation, which deactivated the first Machine. However, subsequent analysis of Enterprise data and science logs indicate the possibility tha tthe explosion os even moderately-sized vessels inside a Machine may not always be sufficient. Size of tngines used (in power output) is very likely directly linked to effectiveness, and Starfleet recommends that the largest possible ship be used in any situation of this type.

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