SWN: Prismatic Spray: Sabungan Pointcrawl
Location: Sabungan
Nearby: Near Jungle, Upper Oryang, Lower Oryang
Faraway: Far Jungle, Mangrove Track
Distant: Pretech Installation
Date: 15.10.21 (Morning)
On 15.10.25 (Dusk), Dian Oryang will return to Sabungan for the true adarna.
Crew's Log[edit]
Record events here, if you like.
The map is divided into zones and explored in turns. On each turn, the party may: move to a Nearby zone (or known location in their current zone) and take an action, move to a Faraway zone, or take an action in their current zone. Searching for interesting features, looking for a specific thing, or (heaven forbid) hunting for food are all actions in a zone.
Roll the Daylight usage die each turn: Morning d10 - Afternoon d8 - Evening d6 - Dusk d4. Roll the Rations usage die each time a character enters a new hex; if someone can't, they take their Level in damage. On each turn spent exploring, check for an event or encounter.
Area Map[edit]
Pretech Installation[edit]
Terrain: jungle hills
Features: defunct monolith, ?
Far Jungle[edit]
Terrain: jungle
Features: ?
Mangrove Track[edit]
Terrain: swampland
Features: poorly-maintained road, ?
Near Jungle[edit]
Terrain: jungle
Features: ?
Upper Oryang[edit]
Terrain: river
Features: ?
Lower Oryang[edit]
Terrain: river
Features: ?
Terrain: swampland, river
Features: town, rice paddies, ?