SWN Goldfish Memories/Characters/Zeek Starfinder

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Zeek 'The Plumber' Starfinder[edit]

Player: RookieRPG

Class: Warrior

Level: 1

Exp: 0

Background/Training: Soldier/Ground Forces

HomeWorld: Larus

EXP: 1500


Str: 14 +1

Int: 10

Dex: 13

Wis: 10

Con: 12 +2

Cha: 11

HP: 10

AC: 2

Atk Bns: +1

Saving Throws[edit]

Physical: 12

Mental: 15

Evasion: 14

Technology: 16

Luck: 13


Projectile: 1

Unarmed Combat: 1

Tactics: 1

Culture/Larus: 0

Athletics: 0

Leadership: 0

Land Vehicles: 0

Veterans Luck (Class Ability)


Armor: Deflector Array AC: 2 TL: 5

Kinesis Wraps: +3 Atk (str/skill/wep)- Damage: 1d2+2 (unarmed combat mod) Range: 0 Ammo: 0

Knife: +2 Atk - Damage: 1d4 - Range: 6/9 - Ammo: 1

Semi-Auto Pistol: +2 Atk Damage: 1d6+1 Range: 30/100 Ammo: (12) 88

Combat Rifle: +2 Atk Damage: 1d12 Range: 100/300 Ammo: (30) 70


Credits: 385

Backpack, Binoculars, Survival Kit, Medkit, Compad, 5 Rations, 5 Type A power cells

((Two cool points spent on +2 Con , One on TL 5 Armor))


Zeek grew up on The Planet Larus. He joined the Larus Military right out of school at the age of 18 there and served 20 years as a marine. He Earned a reputation and his nickname... "The Plumber".... as a guy who took on the low paying "shit and piss" military deployments that nobody else wanted to do, but somebody's gotta do them. This gave him some tough skin, and one particular deployment earned him the Recognition of the Planet's Leader and he was given very special Armor as a present. He retired as a Sergeant, but of course military pay is not very good, so he joined up with this crew in hopes to earn himself, a living...or maybe a little wealth. Military life left little time for family, so at 38 Years old Zeek is still a bachelor.

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