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She was always beautiful, and when she hit the modeling scene she was an instant hit. She would have been a great super model except for one thing, her temper. The business can only put up with so much, then the shoots started to dry up. She was loosing her career, she had to get things back under control. She went back home and talked to her uncle about the temper and how he controlled his. Archery he said, it kept you in shape and allowed you to let out steam on the target. She decided to give it a try.

It was working, she hardly got mad at anyone and as a result her fashion line started to take off, she even found herself a boyfriend. All was going great till he told her that he wanted to join the police department. She told him no and he did anyway, She hated not getting what she wanted. She stayed home practicing her archery, the anger growing more and more.

She could take in no more, she went out and killed the only man that ever spurned her. The police came after her. She killed six of them before making her getaway, they did not expect such a fight from a model. She ran into a nearby bar and ran into an old friend the musician Leo, she pleaded for him to take her away from the police, he did even better then that. She has joined Zodiac as Sagittarius the Archer. Gemini has made twin crossbow pistol for her to use, they are much easier to use then her old bow.

Sagittarius PL 10 (150PP)

Init +8; 30ft (Run); Defense 22/17 (7 Base, 4 Dex, 1 Dodge); BAB +7; +9 Melee (2S Punch), +12 Ranged (10S/L Various Effects); SV Dmg +12, Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +0; Str 14, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 20 (Total 61PP)

Skills: Move Silently 3/+7, Perform 5/+10, Diplomacy 3/+5, Bluff 2/+7, Innuendo 2/+7, Spot 3/+9, Listen 0/+6, Search 3/+9 (Total 23PP)

Feats: Accurate Attack, Attack Focus (Ranged), Dodge, Evasion, Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot, Quick Draw (Total 18PP)


  • Twin Pistol Crossbows (Weapon) +10 (Source: Technology; Extras: Various Advantages [x2]; Stunts: Dazzle [Sight], Snare [Area], Penetrating Attack [Invisible to Sight], Stun Attack [Area], Duel Damage; Flaw: Each Attack has Uses Flaw [4]) (Cost 1 / Total 10+10PP)
  • Super Senses +6 (Source: Technology; Extra: Telescopic Sight, Sensory Protection; Stunt: Darkvision, IR Vision; Flaw: Device [Mask]) (Cost 3 / Total 18+4PP)
  • Amazing (Damage) Save +8 (Source: Technology) (Cost 1 / Total 8PP)