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Survivor: Janka "Salil Ataullah" Lukshenko

Apparently, when people see a half-persian man, they think immediately that I might be Muslim.

When I kill a monster, they call me a saint. They call me a gift from god. They never asked me why I killed this monster.

I killed this monster because he and his masters owed my father money. My father, Alexander Lukshenko, was small-time, but he got back whatever he was owed.

"Janka", he said, in his native Belarusian tongue. "Janka, how did you get so good at killing these monsters? You do nothing but read books all day. I send you out to get money from living people, and you never kill them. The men come back, saying how bad my son is at shooting...But these monsters, they seem to make it easy for you."

I pointed a pistol at my father, shooting a bullet inches from his shoulder. Father did not even blink, but simply smiled.

I spoke up. "How are they going to pay us next month if they're dead? A normal man, you shoot right over his shoulder like that, he cries like a baby. He offers to pay more money. He offers me his daughter in marriage. He does whatever I ask him to do for fear of his own life...The monsters? They simply don't have fear. So, I kill them to put fear in their masters."

But that was then. Now? I have no father. He got too big to be small-time. Then, he got too big to be allowed to live. I was vacationing in the United States when this happened. I stayed there. I assumed a new name. Luckily, my mother taught me how to speak persian. I became the gift from god that everyone thought I was. I still kill monsters. I kill whoever I am asked to kill. The others simply call me Sal, and that works for me. Whatever they call me, they call me in when things start to get less about people, and more about people.

Appearance: If it wasn't for how he always seems to be dressed for war, Salil would simply blend in with the other members of Littlest Persia. He's about average height, a little slender, and the only real distinguishing part of him is that he has no facial hair. His lighter skin seperates him a bit more, but nothing that screams that this man is anything special. However, when dressed for war, he looks like a monster assassin out of the action-horror books. Carrying enough gear on himself for a night, he usually has at least four different guns holdstered on himself, and a backpack that seems to always be overfilled. When he's not fighting, he tends to dress simply, trying to not draw much attention to himself.

Survivors Relations:

-Thumbs: Salil has much respect for the man. He may be a lot older than a lot of the others, but the man has stayed in Baroque for this long without dying. Anyone who can do that deserves every bit of respect they can get.

-Paul Revenge: Paul fights the battles on the street that none of the rest of us can. Salil knows this. He also knows that Paul could probably kick through his head if he starts to step out of line. Not that Salil is trying to, but it's another incentive to stay in line. He does want to meet this man and talk to him more.

-Eddie: The Angel of Death. What you need to keep up with how many killers there are in this city. The man is a genius, but he does seem to like taking pictures a bit much. Too many pictures of Salil would be problems in the long term, but nothing to worry about for now.

-K: Salil has been asked to kill K at least once since he's gotten here, but he doesn't believe that is necessary. While Salil runs business to break even, K is still trying to work her way upwards. Eventually, however, the two will officially meet, and possibly trade stories. Until then, Salil respects her, but doesn't fully trust her.

-Ares: A little crazy, a little beyond what he's used to seeing from a man like that. Of course, he's not so bad once you get to know him a bit. Not to say he hasn't scared Salil at least once with the staring and the complete focus, but nothing any worse than Salil has seen on the streets.


From Russia, No Love: Janka was the son of a Russian Crime Boss who got a bit too big for his health. It was assumed Janka went into hiding, as opposed to hiding in plain sight. Technically, there is still a reward for the head of Janka Lukshenko. This Aspect can be used when involving crime family politics or insights. It can be compelled when people who have worked with any of the Russian Crime Families may recognize Janka.

Allah's Chosen Warrior: While Salil doesn't completely believe that he has mystic powers or anything of that sort, the people of Littlest Persia believe it. This Aspect can be used whenever dealing with protecting those who believe that he may be their chosen protector, or when he feels only he can make a difference to the people around him.

The Scimitars of Qaddin: While Salil uses many weapons, he always carries around two intricately engraven scimitars. Salil knows that scimitars are not necessarily the best weapons for most monsters, but these seem to be able to affect even the strongest of creatures.

"I bump the bumps in the night": Salil is a monster hunter through and through. The man has found his expertise and is sticking to it. It is a lucrative and dangerous job, and Salil considers himself both an expert in knowledge and tactics against the monsters he faces.

"Jesus was a prophet too, you know.": Salil is not a deeply devout Muslim, nor an extremist of any sort. He has been paying more attention to his new faith, and realizes that more and more of it has less and less to do with his fighting, and more about how to be a better person. Being a better person in a place like Baroque City, however, can get you killed.

"Now is not the time for idle chatter.": Salil is what most would call impatient, and believes that time is precious. While not against chattering, especially when it keeps him grounded in the world, he is a man of action at heart. It is hard for him to slow himself down at times when things start to get out of hand.

Skills: Great (+4): Athletics Good (+3): Resolve, Endurance, Weaponry Fair (+2): Intimidation, Guns, Mysteries, Alertness Average (+1): Burglary, Resources, Stealth, Rapport, Leadership


Bounce Back: Salil is not the type to stay down from much, and will be back to fight another day faster than your average man.

Feel the Burn: Salil's body and mind are set to make him achieve victory no matter the odds.

Inner Strength: Salil is driven to achieve his goals, and no simple magical effects will stop him.

Still Standing: Salil knows why he is here, and knows what he needs to do. His ability to fight through pain is uncanny.

Weapon of Destiny, The Scimitars of Quaddin: Whether the source of his strength or simply two ancient swords, no one is completely sure. However, he does seem to have them around whenever they are most needed.

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