Salpurnia Lex

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Salpurnia Lex

Race: Imperial (+2 EDU, +1 APP) Sign: The Mage (+50% to magicka) Profession: Mage (Alteration, Illusion, Restoration, Mysticism, Magic Lore, History, and Locksmith). Sex: Female Age: 22 Attributes

Str: 11 Dx: 11 Con: 12 App: 13 (14) Power: 16 Int: 13 Size: 15

Education: 16 (18) Hit Points: 19 Magicka. 36

Idea: 65%, Luck: 80%, Know: 90%

Skills (base/adjusted)

Acrobatics (20) Athletics (35) Alchemy (00) Art (05) Conceal (15) Craft (05) Disguise (05) Dodge (22) + 40. 62% Enchant (00) Fast Talk (05) First Aid (30) +10. 40% Hide (10) History (20) 60% Listen (25) Locksmith (00) 25 + 3. 28% Magic Lore (00) 60 Martial Arts (00) Medicine (05) Nature Lore (10) Navigate (10) Persuade (15) Ride (20) Sneak (10) Spot Hidden (25) Track (10)

Unarmed (50) Shield (40) Archery (10) Axe (20) Mace/Hammer (20) Sword (15) Knife (25) Polearms (10) Spear (15) Staff (20) +50. 70%

Alteration (00) 75% Conjuration (00) 10. + 5. 15% Destruction (00) 30. +10. 40% Illusion (00) 65% Mysticism (00) 10. + 5. 15% Restoration (00) 65 + 9. 74%



Open Door: Ease Burden: Water Breathing Shield Fenrik's Doorjamb Salpurnia's Watery Gift


Bound Staff


Flash Bolt Frost Bolt Shock




Detect Item


Balyna's Balm Heal Companion Balyna's Antidote Rilm's Cure


Carrying capacity: 33

Money: 90 gp left

Chitin Armour. AR 3. 12 lb. 125 gp Steel Staff. 50 gp, 12 lb Basic Gear (flint&steel, pack, bedroll, tinder, etc.) 8 lbs, 20 gp Rations 1 lb per day 1 gp/day (2 weeks' worth). 14 lb. 14 gp Waterskin (full, good for 2 days) 4 lbs, 1 gp

47 lb


Salpurnia was born in the Imperial City, capital of the Empire, to a family that also included a certain captain of the city guard. The family had a long tradition of service in the guard and in the Imperial legions, but Salpurnia herself dreamed about a different career. Her family accepted her desire to become a mage, despite their disappointment, and she was apprenticed, whilst in her early teens, to a mage who lived in the town of Chorrol. The two got on well, and soon became friends, despite the difference in their ages. This mage was also an amateur historian, and he often travelled to various ruins in order to increase his knowledge. Becoming fascinated with the history of Morrowind, he packed up and left for the Dunmer homeland, taking his apprentice with him. He also felt that the Mages Guild of that land gave a mage much more freedom, compared to the Guild in Cyrodiil. In their new home, mage and apprentice spent much time studying both the historial sources, and also in poking about in various ruins and abandoned forts. Luckily, the mage's power was high enough to make him equal to protecting both of them from most of the powerful creatures that often dwelled in that place. Her master's fascination with history and archaeology rubbed off on Salpurnia. She doesn't restrict this interest to any particular place or time, though she is concentrating on Morrowind since she's already present in the province, and the interest of that place is rich indeed. Salpurnia graduated to full mage at her 18th birthday, although she remained a junior partner in her ex-master's explorations. When the Ghostfence came down it took both Salpurnia and her master by surprise, and her master was killed by an ascended sleeper whilst Salpurnia, at her master's urging, reluctantly fled. Now she has two goals: to study the history of the world and to avenge her friend's death.