Sample Crabs

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The Crab[edit]

Hida Bushi[edit]

Rank 1 - Warrior on the Wall[edit]

Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 2 (Strength 3), Void 2

Battle (Shadowlands) 2, Defense 3, Heavy Weapons 4 (Ono), Investigation 1, Jiujutsu 1, Kenjutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 1.

Techniques: Way of the Crab.
Kata: Striking as Earth

Honor: 1.5
Advantages/Disadvantages: Large, Strength of the Earth (x2), Brash, Lechery, Overconfident.

Initiative: 3k2.
Attack (Damage): 7k3+7 (5k4+3)
TNtbH: 23 (28 when using Striking as Earth)

Rank 2 - Veteran of the Endless War[edit]

Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 3, Void 3

Battle (Shadowlands) 3, Defense 4, Engineering 1, Heavy Weapons 5 (Ono), Investigation 1 (Notice), Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 2.

Techniques: Way of the Crab, The Mountain Does Not Move.
Kata: Striking as Earth

Honor: 1.9
Advantages/Disadvantages: Large, Strength of the Earth (x2), Brash, Lechery, Overconfident.

Initiative: 4k2
Attack (Damage): 8k3+8 (5k4+3)
TNtbH: 24 (29 when using Striking as Earth)

Rank 3 - Commander of Fourth Watchtower[edit]

Air 2, Earth 4, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 3

Battle (Shadowlands, Mass Battle) 5, Defense 4, Engineering 2, Heavy Weapons 6 (Ono), Investigation 1 (Notice), Jiujutsu 2, Kenjutsu 1, Kyujutsu 1, Lore: Shadowlands 2.

Techniques: Way of the Crab, The Mountain Does Not Move, Two Pincers, One Mind.
Kata: Striking as Earth

Honor: 2.0
Advantages/Disadvantages: Large, Strength of the Earth (x2), Brash, Lechery, Overconfident.

Initiative: 5k2
Attack (Damage): 9k3+10 (5k4+4)
TNtbH: 24 (29 when using Striking as Earth)

Kuni Shugenja[edit]

Rank One - Apprentice of the Wastelands[edit]

Air 2, Earth 3, Fire 2 (Intelligence 3), Water 2, Void 3

Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Kenjutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 4, Meditation 2, Spellcraft 3 (Maho).

Technique/Spells Known: Gaze Into Shadow/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Jade Strike (Innate), Armor of Earth, Courage of the Seven Thunders, Earth's Stagnation, Biting Steel, Burst, Reflections of Pan Ku.

Honor: 1.5
Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Earth, Heartless, Fascination (maho), Bad Reputation, Missing Eye

Initiative: 3k2
Attack (Damage): 4k2 (4k2)
TNtbH: 13

Rank Two - Priest of Jade[edit]

Air 2, Earth 4, Fire 2 (Intelligence 3), Water 2, Void 3

Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Investigation 1, Kenjutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 4, Meditation 2, Spellcraft 5 (Maho).

Technique/Spells Known: Gaze Into Shadow/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Jade Strike (Innate), Armor of Earth, Courage of the Seven Thunders, Earth's Stagnation, Strength of the Crow, Biting Steel, Burst, The Fires From Within, Reflections of Pan Ku.

Honor: 1.3
Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Earth, Heartless, Fascination (maho), Bad Reputation, Missing Eye

Initiative: 4k2
Attack (Damage): 4k2 (4k2)
TNtbH: 13

Rank Three - Hunter of Shadows[edit]

Air 2, Earth 4, Fire 3, Water 3, Void 3

Calligraphy 1, Defense 3, Investigation 2, Kenjutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 5, Meditation 2, Spellcraft 5 (Maho), Stealth 2 (Ambush).

Technique/Spells Known: Gaze Into Shadow/Sense, Commune, Summon, Counterspell, Jade Strike (Innate), Armor of Earth, Courage of the Seven Thunders, Earth's Stagnation, Strength of the Crow, Tomb of Jade, Biting Steel, Burst, The Fires From Within, Reflections of Pan Ku, The Ties That Bind.
Kiho: Grasp the Earth Dragon.

Honor: 0.9
Advantages/Disadvantages: Blessing of Earth, Heartless, Fascination (maho), Bad Reputation, Missing Eye

Initiative: 5k2
Attack (Damage): 5k3 (5k2)
TNtbH: 13

Yasuki Merchant[edit]

Rank One - Purveyor of Fine Merchandise[edit]

Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 2 (Perception 4), Void 2

Commerce 4 (Merchant), Courtier 2, Deceit 3 (Lying), Etiquette 3 (Bureaucracy), Knives 2, Stealth 2, Underworld 1.

Techniques: Way of the Carp.

Honor: 1.5
Advantages/Disadvantages: Daikoku's Blessing, Wealthy (x3), Greedy, Insensitive.

Initiative: 4k3
Attack (Damage): 4k2 (3k1)
TNtbH: 15

Rank Two - Wily Trader[edit]

Air 3, Earth 2, Fire 2, Water 3 (Perception 4), Void 3

Commerce 5 (Merchant), Courtier 3, Deceit 4 (Lying), Defense 1, Etiquette 3 (Bureaucracy), Investigation 1, Knives 2, Stealth 2, Underworld 2.

Techniques: Way of the Carp, Shimmering Scales.

Honor: 1.9
Advantages/Disadvantages: Daikoku's Blessing, Wealthy (x3), Greedy, Insensitive.

Initiative: 5k3
Attack (Damage): 4k2 (4k1)
TNtbH: 15

Rank Three - A "Simple Merchant"[edit]

Air 3, Earth 3, Fire 2, Water 3 (Perception 4), Void 3

Calligraphy 2, Commerce 5 (Merchant), Courtier 3, Deceit 5 (Lying), Defense 3, Etiquette 3 (Bureaucracy), Forgery 3 (Calligraphy), Investigation 2, Knives 2, Poison 1, Stealth 2, Underworld 4.

Techniques: Way of the Carp, Shimmering Scales, Wiles of the Carp.

Honor: 1.6
Advantages/Disadvantages: Daikoku's Blessing, Wealthy (x3), Greedy, Insensitive.

Initiative: 6k3
Attack (Damage): 4k2 (4k1)
TNtbH: 18

Hiruma Scout[edit]

Rank One - Wary Explorer[edit]

Air 2, Earth 2 (Stamina 4), Fire 2 (Agility 3), Water 2, Void 2

Athletics 2, Defense 3, Hunting 3, Investigation 2 (Notice), Kenjutsu 2, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Stealth 4 (Sneaking).

Techniques: Dance the Razor's Edge.
Kata: The Empire Rests on Its Edge (Investigation)

Honor: 2.0
Advantages/Disadvantages: Fleet (3 pts), Precise Memory, Brash, Driven (Protect Hiruma Castle).

Initiative: 3k2
Attack (Damage): 5k3, +2 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (5k2)
TNtbH: 20

Rank Two - Monster Hunter[edit]

Air 2, Earth 3 (Stamina 4), Fire 3, Water 2, Void 3

Athletics 2, Defense 3, Hunting 4, Investigation 2 (Notice), Kenjutsu 2, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 2, Stealth 4 (Sneaking).

Techniques: Dance the Razor's Edge, Strike Like the Wind.
Kata: The Empire Rests on Its Edge (Investigation)

Honor: 1.9
Advantages/Disadvantages: Fleet (3 pts), Precise Memory, Brash, Driven (Protect Hiruma Castle).

Initiative: 4k2
Attack (Damage): 5k3, +2 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (5k2)
TNtbH: 20

Rank Three - Renowned Scout[edit]

Air 2, Earth 3 (Stamina 4), Fire 3, Water 2, Void 4

Athletics 2, Battle 2, Defense 5, Hunting 5, Investigation 5 (Notice), Kenjutsu 3, Kyujutsu 2, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Meditation 1, Stealth 5 (Sneaking).

Techniques: Dance the Razor's Edge, Strike Like the Wind, Fire and Shadow.
Kata: The Empire Rests on Its Edge (Investigation)

Honor: 2.2
Advantages/Disadvantages: Fleet (3 pts), Precise Memory, Brash, Driven (Protect Hiruma Castle).

Initiative: 5k2
Attack (Damage): 5k3, +5 if using The Empire Rests On Its Edge (5k2)
TNtbH: 28

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