Sample Ship Template

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Primo Victoria[edit]

Ship Overview[edit]

Hull: Transport
Class: Orion Star Clipper
Dimensions: 3km long, .4km abeam at fins approx.
Mass: 8 megatons
Crew: 14,000 approx.
Accel: 5.4 gravities max. sustainable acceleration

Ship Statistics[edit]

Name: Primo Victoria
Class: Orion Star Clipper
Machine Spirit: Blasphemous Tendencies
Past Histories: Death Cultists
Hull Integrity: 30
Crew Population: 92%
Crew Quality: Crack (40)
Crew Morale Max: 100 (Crew Willpower Test at -5)
Space: 40
Power: 40

Speed: 10
Maneuvering: 20
Detection: 8
Armour: 12
Turret Rating: 1
Attack Craft Rating: +2

Ship Objective Bonuses: Trade + 100, Crime + 50, Explore + 100
Ship Notes: Navigation/Warp +25, Investigation +10, Manouvre/Stellar Phenomena +5

Ship Components[edit]

Components: Essential
Engine: Lathe Pattern Class 1 Drive
Warp Drive: Miloslav G-616.b Warp Engine
Geller Field: Warpsbane Hull
Void Shields: Single Void Shield Array
Bridge: Commerce Bridge
Life Sustainer: Vitae Pattern Life Sustainer
Crew Quarters: Voidsmans Quarters
Augur Array: R-50 Auspex Multi-Band Auger Array

Components: Weapons
Keel: Sunsear Laser Battery [Strength: 4, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 9]
Dorsal: Sunsear Laser Battery [Strength: 4, Damage:1d10+2, Crit Rating: 4, Range: 9]

Components: Supplementary
Main Cargo Hold
Librarium Vault
Trophy Room
Pilot's Chamber
HOLD Landing Bay (Str: 2)

Components: Archeotech

Tour of the Vessel[edit]

The Spire Navigatus[edit]

The Navigator Spire was one of the most luxurious suites on the ship. Was. It's been neglected for a fair bit and the finery has faded, though it's still better than anything bar the Captain's chambers. It consists of a mansion-like network of rooms, most of which are unused due to Six's small entourage, though one of the rooms adjoining the kitchen and main drains has been converted to a divinatorium where Six ritually slaughters a crewman to aid in her navigation. The actual Navigator console looks like a torture rack and has multiple painful-looking sockets which interface with the brain so that the Navigator can transmit course communications to the ship's helm and warp drive. The Spire features redundant warp shielding because warp monsters love to peek in the metaphysical window of anything riding through the Immaterium.

Librarium Vault[edit]

The Librarium is a huge store of ancient lore it is full of crumbling stacks of books and twisting shelves groaning under the weight of data-slates and massive tome, towering statues of the captains of the ship and the rulers of the house stare down from plinths. There are stories that if you meet their eyes and speak a lie, that the liar is cursed to die a horrible death. Because of this it is a custom to swear great oaths while looking into the eyes of one the statues.

Within the librarium are two tribes the first the scribes wage a never ending battle to preserve the knowledge contained within, updating records and copying ancient texts as they slowly crumble to dust. The other tribe are the guides, it is their duty to memorize were the books and datapads are and lead others to them when they need it. By ancient tradition the two tribes do not interact and try their best to ignore the existence of each other.