Samuel Lockett

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A character in the PbP game Hearts of Iron.


  • Name: Samuel Lockett
  • Race: Human


Samuel Lockett grew up in the capital city of the empire, a street rat witha n alcoholic mother and an absent father. He did odd jobs growing up when he wasn't reduced to thieving. When he came of age (alright, two years before he came of age) he finally managed to realize his dream of leaving his roots behind him, and joined the Royal Marines, serving the godbound rulers of the Empire. He spent three years fighting strange beasts and their worshippers in the jungles and another year in Goldstone helping keep the peace when the riots hit. It was there that Samuel was discharged, after he and his men refused to fire on a group demonstrating outside city hall. Since then, he has been wandering and picking up odd jobs to make ends meet.


  • Condition: fine
  • Wounds: 0
  • Fatigue: 0
  • Bennies: 3



  • Agility d8
  • Smarts d4
  • Spirit d6
  • Strength d6
  • Vigor d8

Derived Statistics[edit]

  • Pace 6
  • Parry 5
  • Toughness 6 (7)
  • Charisma 0


  • Boating d4
  • Fighting d6
  • Guts d6
  • Intimidation d6
  • Notice d4
  • Shooting d10
  • Streetwise d4
  • Survival d4
  • Swimming d6

Edges & Hindrances[edit]


  • Marksman
  • Nerves of Steel
  • Quick
  • Trademark Weapon (Lisa)


  • Code of Honor (major)
  • Loyal (minor)
  • Illiterate (minor)


Weapons & Armor[edit]

  • Lisa (auto-crossbow)

Other Stuff[edit]

  • Clothes
  • Accessories
  • Supplies
  • Whatever


  • XP: 20
  • Rank: Seasoned


  1. First advance
  2. Second advance
  3. Third advance
  4. Fourth advance