Sand PL6

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PL: 6, dream mentalist, Name: Sandra Carter, female, Size: Medium; INIT: +1, DEF 12/11; SPEED 30; MELEE +1, RANGED +3, MENTAL +4, SV: DMG 0, FORT 0, REF +1, WILL +2; STR 9, DEX 12, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 14, CHA 12.

SKILLS: Bluff +6/5, Computers* +8/1, Diplomacy +3/2, Disguise +3/2, Innuendo* +3/2, Intimidate +6/7, Move Silent +2/1, Open Lock* +4/3, Sleight/Hand* +3/2, Taunt +3/2.

FEATS: Trance, Nerves of Steel, Spooky Presence.

POWERS: ASTRAL PROJECTION [+3], E: Dimension Travel [+1], F: limited - one dimension [+1], the Dreamtime, E: portal [+1], E: Disorient (as teleport) [+1], PS: Penetrating Vision, ILLUSSION [+3], E: Area [+2], E: Selective [+2], E: Damaging (as Mental Blast) [+3], E: Mind Control [+3], F: limited - emotion control [+3], E: Mind Blank [+3], SUPER INTELLIGENCE [+6], PS: Photographic Memory, PS: Psychic Awareness, PS: True Sight, PS: Evaluate, E: Comprehend [+3].

WEAKNESS: Unlucky (unluck at gm's discretion).

COST: abilities 9, combat 8, skills 7, feats 8, powers 58, weakness 0, total 90.


Mousy, retro-Goth, librarian type... The young Ms. Carter is the premier student at Dunwich Academy, home to the study of advanced psycho-analysis and mental research. With Astral Projection, Dimension Travel (the Land of Nightmares) and some kind of Illusion & Mind Control for forcing others into a day dream dillusional state for accessing others' dreams, Sand is fights with her keen intellect and hyper-mind to avoid the insanity of knowing all secrets.