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Character Sheet Format[edit]
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Satari spent her entire childhood and adolescence in the House of Peace at Jonstown. A foundling, she was taken in and raised by the temple priestesses and trained entirely in the ways of Chalana Arroy and her Mysteries. A sharp mind and a spirit both gentle and willing saw her treated to the full range of those Mysteries. In time Satari's peaceful existence took on tones of restlessness and impatience, something which the temple priestesses approached with their usual candour and guidance.
Many moons of meditation and contemplation finally led her to make a new peace within herself via the subcult of Natysra, guiding her need to act into appropriate and harmonious channels. Still it was decided that a period of pilgrimage into Genert's Garden-that-was would be the next step in her development. So, she was commended to the service of another heading into the Waste and given the task of returning with a new internal harmony.
Character Details[edit]
- Name: Satari Comforter
- Race: Human
- Cults:-
- Rune Level: Character cults go here
- Initiate: Chalana Arroy
- Lay Member: Natysra
- Social Condition: Poor Healer
- Sex: Female
- Previous Experience: Nurse
Str: 13, Con: 16, Siz: 14, Int: 16, Pow: 18, Dex: 18:, Cha: 11.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +1d4
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +2
- Experience bonus: +9%
- Encumbrance limit:
Skill Groups[edit]
- Agility: +15%
- Dance (30%/5%):45
- Style: n%
- Dodge (15%): 45%
- Climb (25%): 40%
- Jump (25%): 40%
- Tumbling (25%): n%
- Dance (30%/5%):45
- Aim: +20%
- Catch (25%): 45%
- Throw (25%): 50%
- Knowledge: +10%
- Evaluate (10%):20
- Treasure: n%
- Trade Goods: n%
- Art: n%
- Read/Write Language (10/0%):
- Sartarite: 60%
- Animal Lore (5%):30
- Find cattle food: n%
- Hunting: n%
- Tending/Herding: n%
- Training: n%
- Folk Lore (30%) By culture/race.: 60%
- Mineral Lore (5%):30
- Mining: n%
- Caving: n%
- Assess Mineral: n%
- Plant Lore (5%):40
- Find healing plants: 80%
- Identify plants: n%
- Farming: n%
- World lore (5%):30
- Find Water: n%
- Survival: n%
- Weatherlore: n%
- Healing lore: (10%):60%
- Identify disease: %
- Indentify poison: %
- Doctoring: %
- Martial arts (0%): n%
- River Lore (20%): n%
- Spirit Lore (5%): n%
- Star lore (Navigation)(10%):-
- Trailblazing: n%
- Seaborne: n%
- Evaluate (10%):20
- Manipulation[Body]: +25%
- Boating (10%): 35%
- Sailing (5%): n%
- Craft, Physical (30%/10%) Sp:-
- Armour/weapon/shield making: n%
- Masonry/architect: n%
- Peaceful Cut/butchery: n%
- Shiphandling: n%
- Teamster/packhandler: n%
- Swimming (15%): 40%
- Riding (5%): 30%
- Running (25%): n%
- Drive Cart/wagon (15%): n%
- Manipulation[Fine]: +20%
- First aid (10%): 130%
- Treat disease/poison (5): 85/85%
- Sleight of hand (15%):35
- Hide item: n%
- Pick pockets: n%
- Palm object: n%
- Craft, Fine (30%/10)% Sp:-
- Healing Potions:90%
- Poison Antidotes:70%
- Map making: n%
- Netmaking: n%
- Gemsmith/Jewelcraft: n%
- Brewing: n%
- Trapsmith: n%
- Locksmith: n%
- Devices (5):-
- Lock pick: n%
- Trap set/disarm: n%
- Feign Death (10): n%
- Foil Restraints (0): n%
- Play Instrument (Var): n%
- Perception: +15%
- Listen (25)%: 40%
- Scan (25)%: 40%
- Sense (5%):-
- Ambush: n%
- Chaos: n%
- Assassin: n%
- Spot (5):30
- Hidden items: n%
- Trap: n%
- Taste analysis (5%): n%
- Tracking (10%): n%
- Stealth: +5%
- Camouflage (10%): 15%
- Hide (15%): 20%
- Move quietly (15%): 20%
- Ambush (5)%: 10%
- Shadowing (10%): n%
- Swim Quietly (Sp.): n%
- Communication: +10%
- Bargain (10%): 20%
- Orate (10%): 25%
- Sing (5%): 15%
- Speak Language:-
- Native (Int x 5): 95%
- Other (00): 15%
- Understand beast speech (10%): n%
- Voice Mimicry (5%): n%
- Social: +15%
- Acting (10%): n%
- Bribery (20%): n%
- Fast talk (20%): 35%
- Disguise (10%): n%
- Wise (30%/10%/5%):-
- Streetwise: 15%
- Courtliness: 15%
- Nomad ways: 15%
Hit Points and Armour[edit]
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 19-20 |
Left Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 16-18 |
Right Arm | Armour Type | number | number | number | 13-15 |
Chest | Armour Type | number | number | number | 12 |
Abdomen | Armour Type | number | number | number | 09-11 |
Left Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-08 |
Right Leg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-04 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
Weapons and Shields[edit]
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Strike Ranks: Siz:(n)+Dex:(n)=(n)
Weapon/Shield Name | Damage | S.R. | A.P. | Attack % | Parry % | Range | Enc. |
weapon/shield | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
weapon/shield | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
weapon/shield | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
weapon/shield | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
weapon/shield | damage | sr | ap | atk% | pry% | range | enc |
RH Dagger | 1d4+2 | sr | 12 | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Fist | 1d3 | sr | arm | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Kick | 1d6 | sr | leg | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Head Butt | 1d4 | sr | head | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
Grapple | Special | sr | special | atk% | pry% | melee | 0 |
- Power:-
- Current Characteristic POW:
- Current Available POW:
- Current Stored POW:
- Spirit One
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Two
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Spirit Three
- INT:
- POW:
- Where Bound:
- Battle Magic:
- Healing 6
- Sleep 4
- Xenohealing 2
- Countermagic 3
- Shimmer 3
- Rune Magic:
- Preserve Herbs
- Refine Medicine
- Heal Area 2
Str: Number, Con: Number, Siz: Number, Pow: Number, Dex: Number.
- Damage Bonus/Minus: +/- Damage Dice
- Hit Point Bonus/minus: +/-HPs
- Move Rate:
Location Name | Armour types | H.P. | A.P. | Enc. | Location |
Head | Armour Type | number | number | number | 17-20 |
Left Foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 14-16 |
Right foreleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 11-13 |
Forequarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 08-10 |
Hindquarters | Armour Type | number | number | number | 05-07 |
Left Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 03-04 |
Right Hindleg | Armour Type | number | number | number | 01-02 |
- Total Hit Points: nHP
- Attack Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Parry Bonus/Minus: +/-%
- Aim Bonus/Minus: +/-%
Attack | Damage | S.R. | Attack % |
Bite | damage | sr | atk% |
Kick | damage | sr | atk% |
Rear and plunge | damage | sr | atk% |
- Weapons:
- List your weapons and shields here
- Armour:
- List you armour and clothing here
- Other:
- List everything else here.