Savage Rifts - Phase World Adventures!:Zack Pizzazz

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A character in Savage_Rifts_-Phase_World_Adventures!


Race: Human
Framework: Techno-Wizard

Appearance: Zack is a man in his late 20s, with long black hair tied back in a ponytail, a semi-shaven beard, and green eyes generally vivid with a look of excitement and energy to them.


Agility d6, Smarts d8, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6

Derived Stats
Pace 6"
Parry 5
Toughness 10 (4)

Athletics d4
Common Knowledge d6
Electronics d8
Fight d4
Hacking d8
Notice d6
Occult d8
Persuasion d6
Repair d8
Research d8
Science d8
Shoot d6
Stealth d6
Techno-Wizardry d8

Arcane Background (Techno-Wizardry)
Master of Magic
Power Points

Quirk (Must paint arcane diagrams over his machines)

Special Abilities & Complications
Arcane Machinist: Techno-Wizards begin with a variant of the Gadgeteer Edge which functions quite differently through the creation of arcane Gadgets. As often as half her Smarts die per session, and as an action, the Techno-Wizard produces a Gadget replicating any power available to Techno-Wizards (and Power Modifiers available to the creator). Creating a Gadget requires a Techno-Wizardry skill check at −1 per Rank the power is above her own. TW Gadgets have their own PPE pool equal to half their creator’s normal maximum PPE pool (round down); with a raise the device gains +5 PPE to its pool. The Gadget can only be activated using its own PPE pool—once used up (or at the end of the session) it ceases to function.
Cybernetics: Despite their love of technology, even Techno-Wizards suffer penalties to their magic from implanted cybernetics.
Device Dependent: A Techno-Wizard must have gear and tools, her Gizmos to use her powers, and parts to create her Gadgets. Without these items she cannot make her magic work.
Machine Maestro: A Techno-Wizard can interface with machines by touch—including vehicles, weapons, computers, electronic devices, and robots. Machine Maestro grants a +1 to Common Knowledge, Electronics, Hacking, Research, Repair, and Thievery rolls related to the target machine; this includes attempts to dig through data files or bypass security systems and electronic locks. When interfacing with preexisting arcane items and TW gear, the bonus increases to +2. Machine Maestro does not allow the Techno-Wizard to control intelligent machines, cybernetic/bionic systems, vehicles, or weapons.

PPE: 20

Gizmo - Enviro-Hazard Torc: Environmental Protection (1 PP/Limitations: Self)
Gizmo - Arcane Analysis Goggles: Detect Arcana (1 PP/Limitations: Aspect)
Gizmo - Personal Force Field Belt: Protection (Reduce final cost by 1 PP/Limitations: Self)

1500 Credits
2,000 credits worth of gear/valuables
Adventure Light Survival Armor
Utility Belt
TK Revolver [Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6, RoF 1, AP 3]
Tool Kit

Hero's Journey
Education (17-18): +3 Smart-skill points.
Magic and Mysticism (3-4): Concentration Edge.